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Helmet Law Part 2-proof of Service and the Discovery

You have now typed up your Informal Discovery and now need to deliver it to the arresting agency (the cops).  I prefer to hand deliver.  Reason is dealing with the cops and the courts is scary, it makes your heart palpitate.  So to overcome my fear, I prefer to meet it head on.  Plus it gives me a feeling of empowerment.  And when I deliver the Proof of Service, I always have my voice recorder turned on just to record any kind of argument.  When you deliver the POS, you are serving the cops...legally.  When you deliver, you need to get the person's name who took the discovery and note the time.  That has to be noted on the POS.  Now if you can't deliver in person, you can also mail.  But do it Certified.  Then note the POS mailed through United States Post Office...and give the address.

You then take two copies of your informal discovery request along with 2 copies of your proof of service and deliver to the court clerk.  The clerk is to stamp one copy and give back to you.  One copy will go in the court file, that way the judge can see you requested the discovery; the other copy goes in your file in case you have to  prove to the judge you requested and filed with the Courts.

Now study the Discovery.  The things asked are really an excellent starting point for creating questions for the officer.  It is best to try and come up with as many questions as possible.  This is your opportunity to make the cop jump.  You do not want to drop the hammer right away, you have to lay a "foundation."

I would recommend acquiring a copy of the California Vehicle Code book...they cost about $11.00 and can be purchased at the DMV.  You can look things up on line, but I prefer the book.  Mark prefers on line, but he is much more in tune with the laws and knows how to pinpoint exactly what he is looking for.  Me, I end up weeding through too much on crap on the internet.

Also, the BOLT website is an excellent source of info.  It is a bit hard to navigate , but Mark did a great job of getting the info on line.  One of the problems is you need to know what to look for or it doesn't make much sense.

Back to the informal discovery; why request 1a?  This is the biggest area (besides getting the ticket) that bikers get screwed on.  They simply do not take the time to understand why and how the cop/courts are screwing them.  BOLT has corrected this through lawsuits, yet if the bikers are unwilling to learn and keep being suckers...what good were those lawsuits?

The helmet violation is under Division 12 of the Motor Vehicle Code. Division 12 is equipment...tail lights, head lights and so on.  All are to be written as CORRECTABLE unless 3 disqualifying conditions are met...in regards to a helmet citation...if the cop let you ride off with the same helmet he has just violated the law if he wrote your ticket as non correctable.  The second attachment is from the BOLT website.

You really really and really need to understand this.  The court clerk will jerk you around, the cops will jerk you around and sometimes the judge.  Writing the ticket as non correctable is a civil rights violation...which we will go over in the internal affairs complaint.  Understand this.  Email me with questions.  Knowledge is power.  You will have to have some understanding of the law, not necessarily as well as Mark does, but some understanding which we will go over further down the road.

All of what we are doing;  you or the ticketed biker are working on this right after the ticket was received...weeks if not months prior to the arraignment date.  You simply cannot procrastinate.  It is a learning process.  Little steps

I have been asked to discuss what to do at the time of the stop...I will go over that in a bit.  Because you really need to have some understanding of the law and the vehicle code.  You cannot do something and say "BOLT said so", you must understand why.

1b)  Why this one?  Many times I asked the violated biker, did the cop take a picture?  Usual response, "I don't know".  We want to see any and all photos AND audio recordings AND a copy of all of the officers notes way in advance of  the actual hearing.  That is why you must start the process right after getting the ticket;  It is preparing for battle.  You must remember YOU (we) are coming from the moral high ground.  We have not violated the law, the cop has.  We  want to enter that battle from a position of strength which is OFFENSE...not defense.  We want to put the cop of the defense. 

Email me with any questions.  Any questions that I share will not have your name or info.  All questions are good and I will do my best to answer or find the answer.

End of the lesson for today.  I will finish up on the informal discovery on part 3

Thank you for taking the time to learn
First Middle Last
xxxx Price Street
Yuba City, CA 95962
Defendant in Pro Per
(530) 555-xxxx
Courthouse East, 463 Second Street
Yuba City, CA 95591
(530) 822-3303
PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA                                                              Citation #  A 93xxx
I served a copy of the following documents (list the title of each document served):
         Discovery Request per Penal Code 1054 and 1054.5

On (person served):  __________________________        

[ X]  By personally delivering copies to the person served, as follows:
       Date: September 2, 2011
       Time: __________  a.m./p.m.
       1545 Poole Blvd.   Yuba City, California  95993

[  ]  By mailing copies to the person served, as follows:
       Place of mailing (address):

At the time of service I was at least 18 years of age and [  ] am  [X] am not  a party to this cause.

I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing is true and correct.

Date:  September 2, 2011


           Name of Server : First, Last
                                                                                                     Signature of Server: _______________________
           Address : 2267 Juice Street, Steel, CA  95xxx

Proof of Service

How to File a Complaint Against a Police Officer

Never ... ever... walk into a police station by yourself and try to file a complaint against a police officer. Civilian testers have shown that you may be harassed or falsely arrested for doing so.
 Police complaints are allegations of misconduct and you as a citizen have the right to file a police complaint. When someone files a police complaint against a police officer an incident report is placed in the officer's record, so as to hopefully keep the officer from continuing to abuse his or her authority. It also makes the officers superiors aware that there might be a problem with an individual police officer that needs to be addressed. Filing a police complaint and reporting police misconduct is a step towards ending this abuse of power by police.
  Examples of police misconduct:
 Excessive force
 Soliciting or accepting bribes
 Drinking on duty
 Making a false report (good for alleging in the case of traffic tickets)
 Use of narcotics (on or off duty)
 Altering information on an official document
 Careless driving (driving rapidly and/or aggressively to a minor call
 Racial or ethnic intimidation
 Malicious threats or assault
 Sexual harassment 
 Police complaints will not get a victim compensated for police abuse. Police complaints are not law suits. If you file a complaint against a police officer and the police clear themselves as they often do, the only recourse you may have is a civil law suit. A civil law suit you may receive compensation if you and your attorney can prove damages or civil rights violations.  Contact a competent civil rights attorney if you need more information about filing a law suit for civil rights violations.  
 To file a complaint on a police officer "one of a less serious nature," you need to send a written complaint "certified mail with return receipt." You can send the police complaint to Internal Affairs. Certified mail gives you some type of proof that you actually filed a complaint against a police officer. If you don't send the complaint certified mail the letter sometimes gets lost or misplaced by someone at the police department.
 As soon as possible write down everything that happened. Don't worry about sending your complaint off right away. Wait a few days and go back over your written complaint and see what you might have forgotten the first time you wrote it. There's no need for "emotions" to be involved, when you write your complaint and the most important thing is to be truthful! If the police catch you in a lie, your complaint won't be credible nor will any other complaints you send in the future. You could even be charged for making a false report against a police officer and in some states be sued.
 The more information in your written complaint the better. Your compliant should include:
 Who is the officer you're filing a complaint against? Name or badge number?
 What the officer said or did? Was he rude, abusive or used excessive force?
 When did it happen? Date and time.
 Where did it occur? Location?
 How did the incident occur? 
 Do you have corroborating witnesses, whose story does not conflict with yours? If you have witnesses you should ask each of them to write a separate account of the incident.
 Do you have any type of evidence, like pictures or a video recording? If you do, don't send the "original" to the police, send only a copy. 
 Mail the complaint "certified mail with return receipt requested," to Internal Affairs at the police department or the sheriffs department where the officer works. The complaint will be investigated and you should receive a letter back from the police agency on the status of your complaint. Most police complaints will be in the favor of the police officer, but the good thing is the complaint will stay on the police officers record.
 The police may try and contact you by phone or mail to do a "follow up" about your complaint. Don't answer any questions and never go down to the police station for an interview. Tell them everything they need to know is in your letter you sent and then say good bye. Stick to what you said in your complaint letter and say nothing else!
 There is a time limit on how long you have to file a complaint against a police officer. For minor police misconduct you may have  only 60 days and up to 6 months for more serious allegations.
 If you're interested in knowing what complaints have been filed against police officers in your community, you may request a copy of that information be sent to you from that police agency. Send your request "certified mail with return receipt requested." Request a copy of complaints of police officers from that agency be mailed to you under the "Freedom of Information Act." DON'T ever walk into a police station and ask for this information! Police officers either start acting real stupid on the subject or they get mad and start threatening you.
 Never file a complaint directly with a police agency specially if the complaint is of a serious nature, see an attorney! If you do plan on hiring an attorney, get one who doesn't work in your area. Don't get a lawyer from your town, county or from the surrounding counties. Local lawyers work with same judges, prosecutors and police officers on a daily basis and may not want to win your case as bad as you do.
 You may also contact your State Attorney General. For serious incidents call the ACLU hot line 1-877-634-5454 or contact the Department of JusticeClick here for the (DOJ) site.

Tips for Recording Police Interactions

Jesse Halfon submitted the following post via CopBlock.org’s ‘submit‘ page.
Anyone who has had a confrontation or other adversarial contact with police understands the frustration in dealing with this power imbalance. First, any refusal to cooperate completely with police orders (whether legal or not) can lead to an arrest or worse. Second, if there is ever a disagreement over the facts of such a confrontation, Courts will typically take the word of police officers over the word of a citizen/arrestee. Third, police agencies have complete control over the storage of recording equipment (such as in-car video) used in prosecutions and other legal proceeding.
In many cases where a criminal defendant claims that the police violated their constitutional rights, the in-car recordings of the arrest are destroyed (“per internal policies”) before a copy can be requested.
However, the spread of smartphones and other technology has armed citizens with a valuable tool to address this power imbalance. All citizens should be aware of their right to document interactions with law enforcement. In addition, anyone who is concerned about police abuses should have the basic technological know-how to create and preserve such a recording.
The Right to Record may be especially valuable in the context of a traffic stop where police often run a ‘warrant check’ against the stopped vehicle’s license plate number. Although this typically causes the citizen an excruciating delay in waiting for the officer to approach, it will provide ample time for the citizen to enable his or her device for recording if they choose.
The Law
For years, the legality of recording police conduct was unclear and varied from state to state. Several states had even passed laws that banned the practice altogether. Indeed, many websites and blogs still contain outdated and misleading information on the Right to Record. Fortunately, recent legal developments have clearly defined certain rights in this area.
First, several federal courts and the U.S. Department of Justice have affirmed that citizens have a First Amendment right to openly record police officers performing their duties in public. Any law prohibiting this conduct is therefore unconstitutional. Only the U.S. Supreme Court can overturn this Right to Record and the current Supreme Court appears reluctant to do so.[ref]After a Federal Appeals Court last year overturned an Illinois law prohibiting audio recordings of police, the state of Illinois appealed to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court refused to revive the Illinois law by denying further review of the case. However, because the Court did not issue an opinion, this doesn’t necessarily mean the justices endorse the lower court’s ruling.[/ref]
Most of the notable cases dealing with this issue have involved the third parties (typically media) filming or photographing police interactions with other citizens. However, the law is clear that any citizen may openly record their own communications with police.[ref]Note: Citizens are also protected by the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments from having their recording equipment illegally seized by police under these circumstances and can sue the police for damages under federal law.[/ref]
Unfortunately, it remains unclear whether or not citizens may secretly record law enforcement acting in public. Several courts have explicitly held that individuals do have this right. Further, in a recent court filing (03/04/13), the U.S. Justice Department stated “[i]t is now settled law that the First Amendment protects individuals who photograph or otherwise record officers engaging in police activity in a public place.” This is a broad affirmation of the right to record public police conduct from the highest law enforcement agency in the country and could reasonably be relied on to justify secret police recordings.
To be clear, the current status of the law is as follows:
You DO have the right to openly record official police conduct performed in public.
You MAY have the right to secretly record police conduct performed in public.
You DO NOT have the right to record the private conversations of police (or anyone else) without consent if you are not a party to the conversation.
The Recording
Most interactions with police are unplanned and uninvited. It is therefore important to understand (and practice) how to properly record video/audio from your smartphone or other device now.
General Considerations
1) Use a Passcode Lock. This is good practical advice for anyone as this protects your information in the event that your smartphone is lost or stolen. For the purposes of this post, if you are arrested, your recording is virtually useless if a cop seizes your phone and deletes your recording. Even if you do not record a police interaction, officers today often will ‘search’ an arrestees phone immediately and without a warrant if a Passcode is not enabled.
2) Always keep at least 500 MB of available storage on your phone. Again this is practical advice for any smartphone user, particularly if you ever need to record video in an emergency situation. An iPhone video uses approximately 80 MB per minute. 500 MB of available storage will therefore allow you to record only 5+ minutes of video before the recording is stopped. By contrast, the same amount of storage will allow more than 10 hours of audio.
3) Some audio recording apps have other additional advantages for this type of situation. For example, the paid app DropVox has the option of recording in the background and of automatically sending recordings to Dropbox (a free app which stores files in the cloud thus preventing easy deletion).
Practical Advice
I will use a standard iPhone as an example (though I invite anyone to comment with similar instructions for a Droid or other device). Most people can take photos/video using a standard camera app. But equally important for police recordings is the standard iPhone Voice Memos app that records audio with a single touch. If you are secretly recording a police interaction, an audio recording is preferable for several reasons. Practically speaking, useful video is difficult to obtain undercover, especially at night. Video also takes excessive storage space and prevents your device from going into Auto-Lock and Password Protect mode.
If you are stopped in an automobile and believe that the communication should be recorded, follow these steps. Calmly pull out your iPhone, open the Voice Memos app and hit the record button once. Check to make sure the recording has begun and that you did not double-click the record button. Set the Ring/Silent switch to silent mode (muting your phone will avoid any attention being drawn to your phone in the event of an incoming call or message). If you have pockets, it is recommend that you place your phone in your pocket top down (i.e. with the microphone facing out of the pocket). Although this will slightly impair the sound quality of your recording, it has the important advantage of following you if you are arrested or asked to step outside the vehicle.
If you do not have a pocket, turn the device face down (i.e. hiding the screen) anywhere near you with the microphone facing in your direction.
One should be aware that the standard iPhone app will leave a red pulsing banner message atop the phone display the entire time the device is recording. Fortunately, the iPhone will auto-lock and dim completely while recording (temporarily hiding the message). However, if an officer seizes your phone and hits the Home button, the ‘recording’ message will become visible even in auto-lock mode. This highlights the need to enable the Passcode feature on your phone as an officer will not be able to bypass the code without a warrant.
Important Note: A police officer who discovers you secretly recording them may become hostile and even arrest you simply for the “illegal” recording. If you are confronted with this situation, be polite and explain that you understood that the law permitted such recordings. Do not give an officer your passcode. If you are arrested, politely ask to speak with a lawyer before you discuss the matter any further.
In summary, you have a First Amendment right to openly record police officers performing their duties in public. If you are arrested for openly recording the police or if your camera or other device is seized, you can sue for damages. You may or may not have the right to secretly record police. Because the legality of surreptitious police recordings remains unclear, this practice cannot be recommended without exceptions. Trust your instincts and use your best judgment under the circumstances. If you are arrested, ask to speak with a lawyer and then be quiet.
-Jesse Halfon


Babes of the Day - This is 18 and older. Rest assured I will offend you and rest assured I don't give a fuck! If you don't like crude hum or and think you will report me don't like my page. For those with the ability to laugh and take a joke welcome.


About 30 years ago, bikers across America got sick and tired of being told by a bunch of Washington bureaucrats and local politicians who'd never thrown a leg over a motorcycle what they HAD TO WEAR, how they HAD TO RIDE, and what our BIKES HAD TO BE BUILT LIKE!! And over the years, motorcyclists have organized themselves into a viable political force. We are one of the few TRUE grass roots movements in the country. Others may share an avocation, profession or recreation, but they don't share the passion. Bikers have succeeded in taking their passion and turning it into a movement...a "Freedom Movement," because we have the passion for freedom. Freedom is something we believe in, and that motorcycling is just one very enjoyable way to experience it. Well folks, that passion will always be inside you, each of you, the Harley, Honda, Yamaha, BMW or Triumph rider, from the doctor to the construction worker. And that motorcycle will remain an outlet for that passion...as long as we continue to bypass the barriers of appearance or ego and work together to preserve our right to ride. And that's what our movement is all about...a diverse bunch of people, most of us staunch individualists, but with one common denominator and a common goal...Freedom Of The Road. The kind of camaraderie that brought the first two motorcycle riders together to share a ride down a country lane is the same kind of camaraderie that formed our early motorcycle clubs and associations and, eventually, our motorcycle rights organizations. Motorcycle Rights Organizations (MRO's) as we now know them started developing in the early 70's, after the first national helmet effort caused almost every state to pass mandatory lid laws. Since then motorcyclists have never been strangers to political activism. In fact, early motorcycle riders were among the first special interest groups to lobby for better roads. At the turn of the 20th Century as Indian footpaths and trails became rough and rutted dirt roads, motorcycles served as a primary form of transportation, and motorcyclists became vocal about improving the road conditions. Later, riders were among the first groups to push for an interstate highway system. YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHERE YOU'VE BEEN TO KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING! My name is Bill Bish, and I'm the former Executive Coordinator of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists and Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (AIM & NCOM), and have been active in bikers rights for over fifteen years. I have served in various state positions with ABATE of California, including two terms as Chairman of the Board and two terms as State Director. Sooo, for you history buffs, I'll try to piece together some of our early beginnings, with apologies to those who were there from the start. I wasn't, so this is only from my early conversations with people like Deacon Dave Phillips, Ron Roloff, Keith Ball, Sherm Packard and others who WERE there, as well as my own research and admittedly spotty memory. But, to help validate this version of Biker History, I ran the article by most of the people mentioned herein. Through NCOM and ABATE of California, I have traveled across the United States to preach unity and spread information, and I will always treasure my memories of the places that bikers' rights has taken me and the friendly faces that have greeted me. Because our issue is so emotional and deeply personal, I have developed close relationships with many Freedom Fighters throughout the country who I am proud to call Brothers and Sisters. It was this deep sense of "family" within the motorcycle rights community that inspired me to trace our Family Tree. Much has been said of the coming new millennium, and of the opportunities and pitfalls our future holds in store, but one thing is certain...YOU CAN'T KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING UNLESS YOU KNOW WHERE YOU'VE BEEN! With that thought in mind, I'd like to take you on a brief trip down memory lane, as we open up our Family Album and retrace our History as a bikers' rights movement here in the United States. Don't worry, there won't be a test, and hopefully this brief history lesson will be at least as interesting as your High School History classes!
Easyriders magazine editor Lou Kimzey issued a plea in issue #3, October 1971, for bikers to come together to fight impending restrictions from the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) by joining a new national bikers' rights organization called the National Custom Cycle Association, but because of a conflict with the acronym the name was changed in February 1972 to A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments (ABATE). I recall Joe Teresi, publisher of Easyriders, telling me that they had a contest around the office to come up with a new name, and one of the secretaries came up with "ABATE". He told me they were on deadline and had to come up with a logo real fast, so they took a stylized German eagle and transformed it into the logo used by many ABATE's to this day. Keith Ball was just 22 when he became the original ABATE manager in 1971, and he later became editor of Easyriders and the National Director of ABATE. He recently retired from Easyriders as the Editorial Director and Executive Vice President of Paisano Publications and went into retirement, though he now operates an internet site called Bikernet.com which still focuses on bikers' rights. Easyriders began granting state charters in 1974, and ABATE's which came into existence around this time were chartered in Kansas, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and New York; and also MMA of California, MMA of Massachusetts, New Hampshire Motorcycle Rights Organization, Rhode Island Motorcycle Association, Connecticut Motorcycle Rights Association, and the Wisconsin Better Bikers Association. Easyriders published phone numbers, contacts and legislative news, and the bikers rights network began to grow. The Modified Motorcycle Association of California was founded at the same time as many ABATEs.

The original federal helmet mandates, which were instituted in 1966 by Congress and later repealed in 1976, were designed by the U.S. DOT (Department of Transportation) as a means to restrict modified or customized "choppers" which they deemed unsafe. Especially extended forks and apehangers which were popular. Deacon, founder of ABATE of California, once related to me that the 60's fad of ridiculously high sissy bars came about because the government started requiring "grab bars" for passenger safety, so the riders of the day flaunted the law by building them as long and garish as they could get by with. Almost every state during this time began passing handlebar height restrictions, eyewear requirements, motorcycle licensing requirements, lights-on laws and other equipment regulations and many other restrictions. The government claimed that the restriction against our "Freedom Machines" were coming down the pike to make motorcycle riding "safer". Funny, but back in the sixties they just wanted to force bikers off the streets. Publicly they tooted that they wanted to SAVE US from ourselves!

In most states, before motorcyclists became politically organized, the clubs were the first to fight helmet laws and other restrictions. In many instances clubs founded the states' motorcycle rights organizations. Before MMA or ABATE of California came into existence, the Hells Angels M/C and Ralph "Sonny" Barger in particular had succeeded in keeping the state of California helmet-free even though Congress had passed legislation in 1966 requiring every state to pass a helmet law or lose 10% of their federal highway funds, (this should sound familiar, since we just recently faced the same type of national helmet law in the nineties). Rumors still circulate around Sacramento about 1,000 Hells Angels on the Capitol lawn, and HA's camped out on the door steps of legislative opponents. Soon the old intimidation tactics wore thin and club leaders realized that they needed to legitimize their efforts by creating a more sophisticated political lobbying arm. In the case of California, the Hells Angels founded the MMA of California. Various states have similar history with local clubs which were the roots of their MRO.

About this same time, the American Motorcyclist Association began to recognize the motorcyclists rights movement and they established the AMA Government Relations Department, but not until 1976. As the rights movement grew, Don Pittsley, a member of the Huns M/C in Connecticut convinced his congressman, Rep Stewart Mckinney, to introduce H.R.3869 to end the Federal authority to withhold highway funds from states without helmet laws. In July of 1975, Rob Rasor of the AMA, Ron Roloff of MMA and Ed Armstrong of ABATE of Chicago presented the House Sub-Committee on Surface Transportation with convincing testimony to repeal the mandates. California was being sued by the DOT, because Governor Ronald Reagan refused to comply with the federal mandate. Roloff helped convince California Senator Alan Cranston to offer the language of the bill as an amendment to the 1975 Federal Highway Act, which passed with overwhelming support from the California delegation because of the impending lawsuit. It was signed by President Gerald Ford on May 5, 1976. Not bad for a rag tag bunch of bikers with little or no previous political ambitions.

Spurred on by many successful protest rallies around the country following the national helmet law repeal, 30 state laws were repealed. ABATE, MMA and other motorcycle rights organizations sprang up in every state across the country and are now a fixture in state houses. There were several failed attempts to start a national motorcycle rights organization, including Easyriders'. In 1985 the Motorcycle Rights Fund (MRF - later changing their name to Motorcycle Riders Foundation) hosted their first Meeting of the Minds conference, and a few months later, in 1986, the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) held their first National Convention. Motorcycling leaders realized the need for a united voice and the necessity of networking and communications, and both the MRF and NCOM grew and have become effective partners with state MRO's in protecting riders' rights on the federal, state and local fronts.

The concept of unity was put to the test in the early 1990's, when Congress again attempted to force states into passing helmet laws, and American motorcyclists came together en masse, and in a coordinated effort between the MRF and NCOM virtually every state sent representatives from their State MRO to walk the hallowed halls of Washington, D.C., in search of their U.S. Senators and Representatives. The grand lobbying experiment WORKED, and in just FOUR YEARS bikers were able to convince Congress to once again repeal their misdirected and misguided "nanny" law and return the decision to the individual states. That same legislation also repealed the 55 mph minimum speed limit! Soon afterwards, Arkansas modified their mandatory helmet law to allow Freedom of Choice for adult riders 21 and older. Texas soon followed, as well as Kentucky, Louisiana and, most recently, Florida. Today, the scoreboard reads 20 Helmet Law States vs. 30 Free Choice States!

As a result of our newfound political clout, motorcyclists have successfully approached Congress twice over the past few years, first in 1996 to grant federal protections against insurance discrimination based on mode of transportation because many companies (most notably Ruger Firearms and the Teamsters Union) were denying medical benefits to employees injured in motorcycle accidents). Although this legislation was recently nullified by new federal regulations written in the waning days of the Clinton Administration, this nationwide effort was textbook politics at its best. The fight continues but the movement WILL succeed in reinstating the intent of Congress to protect us against insurance discrimination. Then, in 1998, motorcyclists united once again to put together a pro-active agenda for bikers, and succeeded in lobbying it through Congress. Included in this "wish list" for bikers was a guarantee that motorcyclists would be included during the development of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technology, which ensures that motorcycles are guaranteed access to any and all roads built with the use of federal highway funds (no road bans). This effort will restrict anti-motorcycle lobbying efforts by NHTSA and provides $131 million for recreational trails development and maintenance!

During this active span of time, many state rights groups have become proactive within their states instead of RE-acting to legislative threats. Minnesota passed our nation's first law to make it illegal to discriminate against someone because they ride a motorcycle. Arizona, Iowa, Oregon and Washington have successfully repealed or modified their state's handlebar height laws. Virginia and Illinois have lobbied their states to reinforce the federally guaranteed access to roads by passing laws to protect our rights to ride on any roads within their state boundaries. Virginia and Maryland amended their state's parking laws to allow more than one bike per metered space. And several states have fought and defeated "No Fault" insurance proposals that are unfair to motorcyclists. Also, now, through the work of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists, patch holders in nearly 40 states and two Canadian Provinces have come together to form Confederations of Clubs to fight discrimination and police harassment through the courts, bringing the motorcycle rights network full circle with the rejuvenated interest of the motorcycle club community.

While our early bikers' rights leaders paved our way, other dynamic and concerned riders have come forward to take the reigns and lead us into the new millennium. We should never forget the efforts and sacrifices of our predecessors who faced intimidation from law enforcement, indifference from legislators and animosity from a public that saw "The Wild One" one too many times. They got the job done. Were it not for their perseverance and dedication, we would not have become the respected and effective grass roots lobbying group that we are today.

So, there you have it. The roots of ABATE and the American motorcyclists' rights movement run deep in the hearts of those of us who have accepted and, in turn, passed on the torch of Freedom of the Road. To all those who came before, we salute you. Where will the future take us? That's entirely up to you. New restrictions on our freedom and our motorcycles are coming at us now from across the big pond If we don't increase our political strength, we may be looking at the last days of motorcycling as we know it. W need to protect the future of motorcycling against the upcoming European invasion! The biggest threat facing motorcyclists today is not necessarily from our own Government. It may very well be the EUROPEAN THREAT, as the strictest motor vehicle standards in the world are adopted as global standards. On June 25, 1998, the global motorcycle came closer to reality, as the United States, Japan and the 15 member countries of the European Union (EU) signed an agreement in Geneva, under the auspices of the United Nations, to develop global regulations concerning the safety performance of motor vehicles and equipment. So, the UNIVERSAL motorcycle is on it's way. The automotive and motorcycle industries have long advocated global uniformity of standards, because conflicting standards mean expensive design changes for each market. Unfortunately for motorcyclists, this means that European threats such as leg protectors, air bags, noise limits, horsepower restrictions and anti-tampering measures, will now become global issues. There are 300,000 new bikes sold in the USA each year, and 1,000,000 new bikes sold in Europe. Which standards do you think will apply? Construction standards could ban: Air-cooled engines, open chain drives, 2-stroke motors, self-tuning and customizing. Regulations will include Catalytic Converters to reduce emissions, along with reducing power and increasing fuel consumption, while driving up the cost of motorcycles. Medium/Long Term Threats in Europe include the following: Vintage/classics banished to museums, due to End-of-Life issues Construction standards mandated Using "Anti-Tampering" Sheer Bolts to prevent home maintenance and performance work. Armored, high visibility clothing. Bike bans on certain roads, in certain tourist areas and when pollution levels rise. Massive road tax increases and heavy-handed taxes on motorcycles. Multi-stage (tiered) licensing to ride a motorcycle, and very expensive. Yes, and research continues, even today, on leg protectors and air bags! Vision Zero: There's no such thing as an "accident" with today's technologically advanced vehicles. BUT motorcycles will always be subject to human errorŠtherefore they would be BANNED under this proposed Swedish plan which almost became official policy! Intelligent Transportation System: Basically, the purpose of ITS is to use technology to achieve a more efficient flow of traffic. But while the goal is safer, quicker travel, ultimately ITS technology will eliminate human error by taking control of the vehicle away from the driver. NHTSA promises active public participation in the development of the new global motor vehicle safety standards, with public meetings and comment periods as the plan is implemented, and Congress has promised that motorcycles will be included in any future ITS developments. Motorcyclists will have to ensure that our collective voice is heard during the planning stages. So, if we want to continue to ride free, we must spread the word to other concerned riders, to our youth, and to our legislators. Join a motorcycle rights group and support their efforts. Freedom will never die. --Bill Bish


Flipping Off Police Officers Constitutional, Federal Court Affirms

WASHINGTON -- A police officer can't pull you over and arrest you just because you gave him the finger, a federal appeals court declared Thursday.
In a 14-page opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit ruled that the "ancient gesture of insult is not the basis for a reasonable suspicion of a traffic violation or impending criminal activity."
John Swartz and his wife Judy Mayton-Swartz had sued two police officers who arrested Swartz in May 2006 after he flipped off an officer who was using a radar device at an intersection in St. Johnsville, N.Y. Swartz was later charged with a violation of New York's disorderly conduct statute, but the charges were dismissed on speedy trial grounds.
A federal judge in the Northern District of New York granted summary judgement to the officers in July 2011, but the Court of Appeals on Thursday erased that decision and ordered the lower court to take up the case again.
Richard Insogna, the officer who stopped Swartz and his wife when they arrived at their destination, claimed he pulled the couple over because he believed Swartz was "trying to get my attention for some reason." The appeals court didn't buy that explanation, ruling that the "nearly universal recognition that this gesture is an insult deprives such an interpretation of reasonableness."

No warrant needed?

 Reported by: Bailey Miller

The more I see, the more I shake my head in disgust at what we have become.
"I told him, 'I will release my son to you upon viewing those orders.' Those were exactly my words," The complainant said. "He said, 'This is how you want to play?' He took two steps back, turned around to the officer and said, 'Take her.' They turned me around, handcuffed me, and took me in."

Slaton police arrest woman after request to see warrant..
Slaton police came to this woman's house, who wishes to remain anonymous, to arrest her son. But by asking one simple question, she found herself behind bars instead.
"I told him, 'I will release my son to you upon viewing those orders.' Those were exactly my words," The complainant said. "He said, 'This is how you want to play?' He took two steps back, turned around to the officer and said, 'Take her.' They turned me around, handcuffed me, and took me in."
The complainant said she was aware police would be coming to apprehend her 11-year-old son based on a criminal complaint, and that she just wanted to see the warrant. As it turns out, that warrant didn't exist. She spent the night in jail while her son was left at home.
"He told me it was their duty to come pick up my son," She said. "Yet, I had someone stay the night at my house. They never came back that evening, they never came to pick up my son, or do what they told me they were there to do in the beginning."
"This occurred on May 29 when they went out to apprehend this young man," Dwight McDonald, the family's attorney, said. "The directive to apprehend was not signed until May 30, which is another indication that they didn't have the authority to go out and arrest him or apprehend this young man."
The Slaton Police Department is willing to issue an apology, but McDonald said that's not enough.
"If she moves out of Slaton and tries to find a job elsewhere, you can Google her name, and at that point, the arrest, my guess is, is going to show up," McDonald said.
"I will accept an apology, but what is that going to do?" The complainant said. "It's not going to take my picture off the internet sites that have been posted, from being published in the newspaper, from where I work. I've never been in trouble, in 32 years of my life, from anything, and to get thrown in jail because I asked a question is not right."
McDonald said the Slaton Police Department will issue an apology as long as the mother agrees not to file a lawsuit. He said unless she is compensated for her expenses and the trauma she's been through, a lawsuit won't be out of the question.
We attempted to contact Slaton's city attorney and city manager. Due to the possibility of litigation, both declined to comment.

Police Lie Under Oath; Their Testimony Shouldn’t Be Trusted More Than Any Other Witness...

By Michelle Alexander
Thousands of people plead guilty to crimes every year in the United States because they know that the odds of a jury’s believing their word over a police officer’s are slim to none. As a juror, whom are you likely to believe: the alleged criminal in an orange jumpsuit or two well-groomed police officers in uniforms who just swore to God they’re telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but? As one of my colleagues recently put it, “Everyone knows you have to be crazy to accuse the police of lying.”
But are police officers necessarily more trustworthy than alleged criminals? I think not. Not just because the police have a special inclination toward confabulation, but because, disturbingly, they have an incentive to lie. In this era of mass incarceration, the police shouldn’t be trusted any more than any other witness, perhaps less so.
That may sound harsh, but numerous law enforcement officials have put the matter more bluntly. Peter Keane, a former San Francisco Police commissioner, wrote an article in The San Francisco Chronicle decrying a police culture that treats lying as the norm: “Police officer perjury in court to justify illegal dope searches is commonplace. One of the dirty little not-so-secret secrets of the criminal justice system is undercover narcotics officers intentionally lying under oath. It is a perversion of the American justice system that strikes directly at the rule of law. Yet it is the routine way of doing business in courtrooms everywhere in America.”
Mr. Keane, in his Chronicle article, offered two major reasons the police lie so much. First, because they can. Police officers “know that in a swearing match between a drug defendant and a police officer, the judge always rules in favor of the officer.” At worst, the case will be dismissed, but the officer is free to continue business as usual. Second, criminal defendants are typically poor and uneducated, often belong to a racial minority, and often have a criminal record. “Police know that no one cares about these people,” Mr. Keane explained.
All true, but there is more to the story than that.
Police departments have been rewarded in recent years for the sheer numbers of stops, searches and arrests. In the war on drugs, federal grant programs like the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program have encouraged state and local law enforcement agencies to boost drug arrests in order to compete for millions of dollars in funding. Agencies receive cash rewards for arresting high numbers of people for drug offenses, no matter how minor the offenses or how weak the evidence. Law enforcement has increasingly become a numbers game. And as it has, police officers’ tendency to regard procedural rules as optional and to lie and distort the facts has grown as well. Numerous scandals involving police officers lying or planting drugs — in Tulia, Tex. and Oakland, Calif., for example — have been linked to federally funded drug task forces eager to keep the cash rolling in.
Exposing police lying is difficult largely because it is rare for the police to admit their own lies or to acknowledge the lies of other officers. This reluctance derives partly from the code of silence that governs police practice and from the ways in which the system of mass incarceration is structured to reward dishonesty. But it’s also because police officers are human.
Research shows that ordinary human beings lie a lot — multiple times a day — even when there’s no clear benefit to lying. Generally, humans lie about relatively minor things like “I lost your phone number; that’s why I didn’t call” or “No, really, you don’t look fat.” But humans can also be persuaded to lie about far more important matters, especially if the lie will enhance or protect their reputation or standing in a group.
The natural tendency to lie makes quota systems and financial incentives that reward the police for the sheer numbers of people stopped, frisked or arrested especially dangerous. One lie can destroy a life, resulting in the loss of employment, a prison term and relegation to permanent second-class status. The fact that our legal system has become so tolerant of police lying indicates how corrupted our criminal justice system has become by declarations of war, “get tough” mantras, and a seemingly insatiable appetite for locking up and locking out the poorest and darkest among us.
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/motorcyle-helmet-laws/id573720859?mt=8The Worst Kept Secret Cops Lie:
This was shared by Joe via CopBlock.org’s ‘submit tab.’

Know Your Rights When Dealing With Police Officers - 2013 Update


A Police Officers Worst Enemy Is A Well Informed Citizen Who Knows Their Rights!

 Police officers hate to hear these words:
"Am I free to go?"
"I don't consent a search."
"I'm going to remain silent."

When a Police Officer Stops You

  To stop you a police officer must have a specific reason to suspect your involvement in a specific crime and should be able to tell you that reason when you ask. This is known as reasonable suspicion. A police officer usually will pull you over for some type of "traffic violation," such as speeding or maybe not using your blinker. Throwing a cigarette butt or a gum wrapper out your car window is reason enough for the police to pull you over, ticket you for littering and start asking you all sorts of personal questions.

Your Rights During a Traffic Stop. Top Five (5) Things to Know About Protecting Yourself from the Police:

 #1 - Safety. The first thing is your safety! You want to put the police officer at ease. Pull over to a safe place, turn off your ignition, stay in the car and keep your hands on the steering wheel. At night turn on the interior lights. Keep your license, registration, and proof of insurance always close by.
 Build a trust with the police officer be a "good citizen" be courteous, stay calm, smile and don't complain. Show respect and say things like "sir and no sir." Never bad-mouth a police officer, stay in control of your words, body language and your emotions. "All this takes practice, try practicing with a friend." The idea is to get the police officer to understand that you're just an average ordinary citizen and let you get on your way down the road. Never touch a police officer and don't run away!

 #2 - Never Talk To A Police Officer. The only questions you need to answer is your name, address and date of birth and nothing else! Instead of telling the police officer who you are, simply give him your drivers license or I.D. card. All the information the police officer needs to know about you can be found on your drivers license. Don't volunteer any more information to the police officer, if he ask you any other questions politely say "Am I free to go?" and then don't say another word.
   #3 - I'm Going to Remain Silent. The Supreme Court has made a new ruling that you should Never Talk to a Police Officer without an attorney, but there's a CATCH! New Ruling  Before you're allowed NOT to talk to a police officer, you must TELL the police officer "I'm Going to Remain Silent" and then keep your mouth shut! (How can you be falsely accused and charged if you don't say anything?) Anything you say or do can and will be used against you at any time by the police.

 #4 - Just Say NO to Police Searches! If a police officer didn't need your permission to search, he wouldn't be asking. Never give permission to a police officer to search you, your car or your home. If a police officer does search you, don't resist and keep saying "I don't consent to this search."
   #5 - "Am I Free to Go?" As soon as the police officer ask you a question ask him "Am I free to go?" You have to ask if you're "free to go," otherwise the police officer will think you are voluntarily staying. If the police officer says that you're are being detained or arrested, say to the police officer"I'm Going to Remain Silent"

Anything You Say Can And Will Be Used Against You!

 Police officers need your permission to have a conversation, never give it to them!

 Never voluntarily talk to a police officer, there's no such thing as a "friendly chat" with a police officer. The Supreme Court has recently ruled that you should NOT talk to a police officer without a lawyer and you must say "I'm going to remain silent." It can be very dangerous to talk to a police officer or a Federal Agent. Innocent people have talked to a police officer and ended up in jail and prison, because they spoke to a police officer without an attorney.

 Police officers have the same right as you "Freedom of Speech," they can ask you anything they want, but you should never answer any of their questions. Don't let the police officer try and persuade you to talk! Say something like "I'm sorry, I don't have time to talk to you right now." If the cop insists on talking to you, ask him "Am I free to go?" The police officer may not like when you refuse to talk to him and challenge you with words like, "If you have nothing to hide, why won't you speak to me? Say again "I told you I don't have time to talk to you right now, Am I free to go?" If you forget or the police officer tricks you into talking, it's okay just start over again and tell the police officer "I'm going to remain silent."

 The Supreme Court has ruled that if a police officer doesn't force you to do something, then you're doing "voluntarily." That means if the police officer starts being intimidating and you do what he ask because you're "afraid," you still have done it voluntarily. (Florida v. Bostick, 1991) If you do what the police officer ask you to do such as allowing him to search your car or answer any of his questions, you are 'voluntarily' complying with his 'requests.'So don't comply, just keep your mouth shut unless you say "Am I Free to Go?" or "I don't consent to a search."

 You have every right NOT to talk to a police officer and you should NOT speak to a police officer unless you have first consulted with a lawyer who has advised you differently. Police officers depend on fear and intimidation to get what they want from you. Police officers might say they will "go easy" on you if you talk to them, but they're LIARS! The government has made a law that allows police officers to lie to the American public. Another reason not to trust the police! So be as nice as possible, but stand your ground on your rights! Where do some of your rights come from? Read the Fourth and Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Traffic Stops and Your Rights

  First of all keep your license, registration and proof of insurance in an easily accessible place such as attached to your sun visor. The less time it takes for you to get to these items, the less time the officer has to look through your windows and snoop. When pulled over by a police officer stay in the car, turn on the cab lights and keep your hands on the steering wheel. Sit still, relax and wait for the officer to come to you. Any sudden movements, ducking down, looking nervous or appearing to be searching for something under your seat is dangerous! Just sit up naturally be still and try to put the officer at ease."

 Police officers like to ask the first question and that usually is, "do you know the reason I pulled you over?" The police officer is trying to get you to do two things, admit that you committed a traffic violation and to get you to "voluntarily" start a conversation with him. Remember the police officer is not your friend and should not be trusted! The only thing you should say is "I'm going to remain silent and am I free to go?"

 The police officer might start asking you personal questions such as "where are you going, where have you been and who did you see, ect." At that point it's the perfect time to exercise your rights by asking the police officer "AM I FREE TO GO?" There is NO legal requirement that American citizens provide information about their comings and goings to a police officer. It's none of their damn business! Keep asking the police officers "AM I FREE TO GO?" You have to speak up and verbally ask the police officer if your allowed to leave, otherwise the courts will presume that you wanted to stay and talk to the cops on your own free will.

 Passengers in your vehicle need to know their rights as well. They have the same right not to talk to a police officer and the right to refuse a search "unless it's a 'pat down' for weapons." The police will usually separate the passengers from each other and ask questions to see if their stories match. All passengers should always give the same answer and say, "I'm going to remain silent and am I free to go?" Remember you have to tell the police officer that you don't want to talk to him. It's the law

 How long can a police officer keep you pulled over "detained" during a traffic stop? The Supreme Court has said no more than 15 minutes is a reasonable amount of time for a police officer to conduct his investigation and allow you to go FREE. Just keep asking the police officer "AM I FREE TO GO?"

 A good time to ask  "AM I FREE TO GO,"  is after the police officer has given you a "warning or a ticket" and you have signed it. Once you have signed that ticket the traffic stop is legally over says the U.S. Supreme Court. There's no law that requires you to stay and talk to the police officer or answer any questions. After you have signed the ticket and got your license back you may roll up your window, start your car and leave. If you're outside the car ask the police officer, "AM I FREE TO GO?" If he says yes then get in your car and leave.

Car Searches And Body Searches

Remember the police officer wouldn't be asking you, if he didn't need your permission to search! "The right to be free from unreasonable searches is one of America's most precious First Liberties."

  Just because you're stopped for a traffic violation does NOT allow a police officer to search your car. However if you go riding around smoking a blunt and get pulled over, the police officer smells marijuana, sees a weapon or drugs in plain view he now has "probable cause" to search you car and that's your own stupid fault!
 Police officers swore an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution and not to violate your rights against unreasonable search and seizure Fourth Amendment.  Denying a police officers request to search you or your car is not an admission of guilt, it's your American right! Some police officers might say, "if you have nothing to hide, you should allow me to search." Politely say to the police officer "I don't consent to a search and am I free to go?"

 The police officer is allowed to handcuff you and/or detain and even put you in his police car for his safety. Don't resist or you will be arrested! There's a big difference between being detained and being arrested. Say nothing in the police car! Police will record your conversation inside the police car, say nothing to your friend and don't talk to the police officers!

 If you are arrested and your car is towed, the police are allowed to take an "inventory" of the items in your car. If anything is found that's illegal, the police will get a warrant and then charge you with another crime.

Police Pat Downs...

  For the safety of police officers the law allows the police to pat down your outer clothing to see if you have any weapons. If the police officer feels something that he believes is a weapon, then he can go into your pockets and pull out the item he believes is a weapon.

 A police officer may ask you or even demand that you empty your pockets, but you have the right to say "NO, AM I FREE TO GO?" There's NO law that requires you to empty your pockets when a police officer "ask you." The only time a police officer should be taking your personal property out of your pockets is after you have been arrested.

If a Police Officer Knocks at Your Door at Home-You Don't Have to Open the Door!

 If the police knock and ask to enter your home, you DON'T have to open the door unless they have a warrant signed by a judge. "If the police have a warrant they won't be knocking, they'll be kicking in your door!" There is NO law that requires you to open your door to a police officer.*  Don't open your door with the chain-lock on either, the police will shove their way in. Simply shout to the police officers "I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY" or just don't say anything at all.

 Guest and roommates staying in your home/apartment/dorm need to be aware of their rights specially "college students" and told not to open the door to a police officer or invite police officers into your home without your permission. Police officers are like vampires, they need your permission to come into your home. Never invite a police officer into your home, such an invitation not only gives police officers an opportunity to look around for clues to your lifestyle, habits, friends, reading material, etc;  but also tends to prolong the conversation.

 If you are arrested outside your home the police officer might ask if you would like to go inside and get your shoes or a shirt? He might even be nice and let you tell your wife or friend goodbye, but it's a trick! Don't let the police officer into your house!

 Never agree to go to the police station if the police want to question you. Just say, "I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY."

 * In some emergency situations (for example when a someone is screaming for help from inside your home, police are chasing someone into your home, police see a felony being committed or if someone has called 911 from inside your house) police officers are then allowed to enter and search your home without a warrant.

 Children have rights also, if you're under 18 click here. If your children don't know their rights and go talking to a teacher, school principal, police officer or a Federal agent without an attorney could cost your family dearly and change the lives of your family forever!

If a Police Officer Stops You On The Sidewalk...

 NEVER give consent to talk to a police officer. If a police officer stops you and ask to speak with you, you're perfectly within your rights to say to the police officer "I do not wish to speak with you, good-bye. "New Law  At this point you should be free to leave. The next step the police officer might take is to ask you for identification. If you have identification on you, tell the officer where it is and ask permission to reach for it. "Some states you're not required to show an I.D. unless the police officer has reasonable suspicion that you committed a crime." Know the laws in your state!

 The police officer will start asking you questions again, at this point you may ask the officer "Am I Free to Go?" The police officer may not like this and may challenge you with words like, "If you have nothing to hide, why won't you speak to me?" Just like the first question, you do not have to answer this question either. Just ask "Am I Free to Go?"
  Police officers need your permission to have a conversation, never give it to them. There is NO law that says you must tell a police officer where you are going or where you have been, so keep your mouth shut and say nothing! Don't answer any question (except name, address and age) until you have a lawyer.

Probable Cause...

 A police officer has no right to detain you unless there exists reasonable suspicion that you committed a crime or traffic violation.  However a police officer is always allowed to initiate a "voluntary" conversation with you. You always have the right not to talk or answer any questions a police officer ask you. Just tell the police officer "I'm going to remain silent."

  Under the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, police may engage in "reasonable" searches and seizures.  To prove that a search is reasonable, the police must generally show that it's more likely than not that a crime has occurred and that if a search is conducted it is probable that the police officer will find evidence of the crime. This is called "probable cause."

    Police may use first hand information or tips from an informant "snitch" to justify the need to search your property or you. If an informant's information is used, the police must prove that the information is reliable under the circumstances to a judge.

    Here's a case when police officers took the word of a "snitch," claiming he knew where a "drug dealer" lived. The police officers took it upon themselves to go to this house that the snitch had "picked at random" and kick in the door at 1:30 in the morning ,without obtaining a search warrant from a judge. The aftermath was six police officers firing over 30 shots and shooting an innocent man 9 times in the back as he laid on the ground.  Read How Police In Texas Are Allowed to Murder Innocent People and Get Away With It

Can We Trust Police Officers?

  Are police officers allowed to lie to you? Yes the Supreme Court has ruled that  police officers can lie to the American public. Police officers are trained at lying, twisting words and to be manipulative. Police officers and other law enforcement agents are very skilled at getting information from people. So don't try to "out smart" the police officer or try being a "smooth talker" because you will loose! If you can keep your mouth shut, you just might come out ahead more than you expected.

  Teach your children that police officers are not always their friend and police officers must contact a parent for permission before they ask your child any questions. Remember police officers are trained to put you at ease and to gain your trust. Their job is to find, arrest and help convict a suspect and that suspect is you!

 The federal government created a law that says citizens can't lie to Federal Agents and yet the government can lie to American Citizens. Makes perfect since doesn't it? The best thing you can do is ask for a lawyer and keep your mouth shut. How can you be charged with something if you haven't said anything?

  Although police officers may seem nice and pretend to be on your side they are wanting to learn your habits, opinions, and affiliations of other people not suspected of wrongdoing. Don't try to answer a police officers questions, it can be very dangerous! You can never tell how a seemingly harmless bit of information that you give to a police officer might be used and misconstrued to hurt you or someone else. Keep in mind that lying to a federal agent is a crime. "This why Martha Stewart went to prison, not for insider trading but for lying to a Federal Agent."

 Police officers may promise shorter sentences and other deals for statements or confessions from you. The police cannot legally make deals with people they arrest, but they can and will lie to you. The only person who can make a deal that can be enforced is the prosecutor and he should not talk with you without a lawyer present.

Lies That Police Officers Use To Get You To Talk...

 There are many ways a police officer will try to trick you into talking. It's always safe to say the Magic Words: "Am I free to leave, if not I'm going to remain silent and I want a lawyer."

 The following are common lie's the police use when they're trying to get you to talk to them:
*  "You will have to stay here and answer my questions" or "You're not leaving until I find out what I want to know."
*  "I have evidence on you, so tell me what I want to know or else." (They can fabricate fake evidence to convince you to tell them what they want to know.)
*  "You're not a suspect, were simply investigating here. Just help us understand what happened and then you can go."
*  "If you don't answer my questions, I won't have any choice but to take you to jail."
*  "If you don't answer these questions, you'll be charged with resisting arrest."
* "Your friend has told his side of the story and it's not looking good for you, anything you want to say in your defense?"
 If The Police Arrest You...

* Don't answer questions the police ask you, (except name, address and age)until you have a lawyer.
* Even if the police don't read your Miranda Rights to you, refuse to say anything until your lawyer/public defender arrives. If you "voluntarily" talk to the police , then they don't have to read your Miranda Rights.
* If you're arrested and can not afford an attorney, you have the right to a public defender. If you get a public defender always make it clear to the judge that the public defender is not representing you, but merely is serving as your counsel.
* Do not talk to other jail inmates about your case.
* Within a reasonable time after your arrest or booking, you have the right to make a local phone call to a lawyer, bail bondsman, relative or any other person. The police may not listen to the call to the lawyer.
* If you're on probation or parole tell your P.O. you've been arrested and say nothing else!

Who Polices The Police? Eyewitnesses Document Misconduct And Brutality

For Andrea Prichett, the reality of police misconduct didn’t sink in until she saw it with her own eyes.
“I started to explore the issue and began hearing all kinds of stories that were hard for me to believe. We took it upon ourselves to watch the police. We would find the red and blue lights, just stop and be a witness, write down the badge numbers of the officers and any details of the event. It became clear to me that we had a real problem with police accountability and lack of it. Officers feeling like they could treat people in ways that really violated their constitutional rights,” Prichett, founder of Berkeley Copwatch, told Mint Press News.
Allegations of police misconduct are widespread, with thousands of claims across the U.S. each year. The Cato Institute’s National Police Misconduct Reporting Project, one of the most comprehensive research projects examining incidents of police brutality in the U.S., found 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct involving 6,613 sworn officers and 6,826 alleged victims in 2010.
Cato recorded 1,575 officers involved in cases of police brutality. In most cases, the incidents involved police throwing punches or hitting victims with batons, but one-quarter of cases involved firearms or stun guns.
At times, the use of physical force has led to the deaths of victims, prompting a backlash from citizen watch groups. 

Investigating police abuse
One recent incident covered by Berkeley Copwatch, a citizen patrol group active since 1990, involved the death of a transgender woman named Kayla Moore. Moore, a drug addict and paranoid schizophrenic, died while in police custody in February. Advocates of police accountability believe her death was caused by forceful police response during an arrest.
“Kayla Moore died in police custody in her own home after officers responded to calls for a mental health evaluation and told that person she was under arrest for a warrant that wasn’t really valid,” Prichett said. “The person objected and a struggle ensued and this person who was already paranoid schizophrenic, well known to the police department, now finds herself face down on her own futon with six cops on top of her. So of course when she stops breathing and dies in their custody, they say, ‘Oh well, she’s a drug addict and she’s overweight.’”
Moore was reportedly high on methamphetamine and wanted to borrow money from her roommate. When he refused, Moore became belligerent, causing him to call the police. Earlier this month, the Alameda County coroner’s bureau ruled that Moore died because of “acute combined drug intoxication,” prompting Moore’s family to call for a new independent investigation.
“Clearly that sort of response by the police to somebody who is paranoid schizophrenic and has major health issues had to have contributed to her death,” Prichett said.
Allegations of police abuse like this are widespread, but few government statistics exist documenting incidents of abuse. The Department of Justice conducted a 2006 inquiry into police abuse using 2002 data. The findings showed that although many claims of abuse were deemed “unfounded” or thrown out, at least 2,000 cases of credible police abuse occurred across the U.S. in 2002.
“During 2002 large State and local law enforcement agencies, representing 5 percent of agencies and 59 percent of officers, received a total of 26,556 citizen complaints about police use of force,” the report concluded. “About a third of all force complaints in 2002 were not sustained (34 percent), 25 percent were unfounded, 23 percent resulted in officers being exonerated, and 8 percent were sustained.”
Some citizens, unsatisfied with the internal review of police department reviews, have formed volunteer police watch groups in an attempt to break the the “Blue Code of Silence” — an alleged bond preventing individuals within the police force from speaking out against misconduct. 

Limits of recourse
Even in some cases where individuals present seemingly clear video evidence indicating excessive use of police force, disciplinary boards have failed to punish officers for any wrongdoing. During the height of Occupy Wall Street protests, Scott Olsen, a 24-year-old Iraq War veteran, suffered a skull fracture during protests in Oakland, Calif.
Eyewitnesses believe a tear gas canister was fired at Olsen at point-blank range. As other demonstrators tried to carry him to get medical treatment, the police continued to fire tear gas. Nearly two years later, no officers have been disciplined for what happened, although the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Lawyers Guild filed information requests to push for a thorough review in October 2011.
Some involved in the documentation of police brutality note that there are limitations, even when clear video footage of abuse is presented.
“It think [the video footage] shows real promise of an accountability mechanism. The problem is that you don’t know when the video starts and when the video ends,” said Bill Dobbs, press liaison for Occupy Wall Street, to Mint Press News.
In April, the Manhattan district attorney decided not to prosecute two high-ranking New York Police Department officers for pepper-spraying and punching Occupy Wall Street protesters in 2011 — events that Occupy activists claim were acts of police brutality against non-violent protesters.
Onlookers recorded video of the incident, showing NYPD deputy inspectors Anthony Bologna and Johnny Cardona using pepper spray against against non-threatening protesters associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement.
“After a thorough investigation, we cannot prove the allegations criminally beyond a reasonable doubt,” said the district attorney’s chief spokesperson, Erin Duggan.
“The civilian review complaint board in New York City is more or less an internal process. The prosecutors have to rely upon the police to make their case. People have called for an independent review. What comes out most often is money judgments, not policy change,” Dobbs said. “Very rarely do police pay anything out of their own budget. Why is this so hard? Because the police enjoy wide support. It is a politically powerful institution.”
The use of cameras on mobile phones has provided citizens with a powerful tool to track police activities and report misconduct.
In response, many citizen watchdog groups have formed to patrol their neighborhoods and watch the police. It’s a right protected in every state, allowing citizens to film police doing their jobs in a public.
“We are victims of a growing police state. My experience is particularly with the war on drugs,” said Ademo Freeman, founder of Copblock.org, to Mint Press News.
“In my early teens I was arrested for distributing marijuana and bought into the whole paradigm that I was a drug dealer and I was doing wrong and I should pay my debt to society,” Freeman said. “I was sentenced to jail time, fined, and convicted of a felony. Through this process I learned this system is not about justice. I was in a correctional facility but I don’t recall being corrected of any improper behavior. I remember being controlled. I remember being told what to do.”
“I came to realize in fact that I didn’t harm anybody. I was interacting in voluntary interactions, I wasn’t threatening anybody to purchase a product from me. I wasn’t using any violence. If anything, I was in fact a victim,” he said.
Based on this experience, Freeman launched Copblock.org as an open forum where victims of police misconduct can share their stories and post videos.
“It’s a one-stop shop where people can share their experience, beliefs, tactics and goals for police accountability,” he said.
In its three-plus years of existence, Freeman claims “hundreds of thousands” representing views from across the political spectrum have posted to the website and shared experiences.
“There’s a large amount of people who have had worse — physical abuse, deaths, on and on,” he said.
Other have hit the street with cameras in hand to actively watch the police. It’s an increasingly popular tactic for citizens in major U.S. cities.
Prichett formed Berkeley Copwatch in 1990 after observing police harassment of homeless populations.
“I wanted to work with homeless people and it was clear to me that one of the biggest obstacles for homeless people achieving their goals and getting themselves out of poverty was their interactions with police,” Prichett said.
The project quickly grew as dozens signed up for the regular citizen patrols patrolling Berkeley streets from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. or later on any given night. Although it’s hard to determine whether the police would have behaved differently, Prichett is confident that having at least one person filming and documenting police interactions with the public reduces the risk of misconduct.
“The officers had been instructed to be courteous, it was quite clear. They were instructed to cooperate with us. We would show up at a situation and the officer would walk up, give us a business card with their badge number on it ask us if we needed anything. There were many times when they would have someone in handcuffs and then uncuff them and let them go,” Prichett said.
After observing and filming incidents of misconduct, Berkeley copwatchers take that information and record it in a computer database, which Prichett says now includes “thousands of incidents.” The information is also made available to victims if they press forward with claims against an arresting officer in court or at a police review board.
In some instances, video footage has been used by victims to win monetary settlements for abusive police practices. Derryl Jenkins, a Minneapolis, Minn., resident, received a $235,000 settlement on Monday after the payment was approved by the Minneapolis City Council.
Jenkins filed the lawsuit in February, about a year after he was pulled over in north Minneapolis for speeding. Jenkins claims he was punched, kicked and Tasered by at least six police officers. The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that Police Chief Tim Dolan ordered police officers to watch the video of the incident and later ordered a review of many arrests that resulted in medical treatment. He disapproved of the officers kicking Jenkins during the incident.
Original post fromMintpressnews.com

USA - While Your Phone Calls Are Tracked & Stored – Obama’s Snooping Excludes Mosques

Posted by Jim Hoft

While information on your emails and phone calls were stored en masse, the Obama administration restricted spying on mosques.
Investors.com reported:
The White House assures that tracking our every phone call and keystroke is to stop terrorists, and yet it won’t snoop in mosques, where the terrorists are.
That’s right, the government’s sweeping surveillance of our most private communications excludes the jihad factories where homegrown terrorists are radicalized.
Since October 2011, mosques have been off-limits to FBI agents. No more surveillance or undercover string operations without high-level approval from a special oversight body at the Justice Department dubbed the Sensitive Operations Review Committee.
Who makes up this body, and how do they decide requests? Nobody knows; the names of the chairman, members and staff are kept secret.
We do know the panel was set up under pressure from Islamist groups who complained about FBI stings at mosques. Just months before the panel’s formation, the Council on American-Islamic Relations teamed up with the ACLU to sue the FBI for allegedly violating the civil rights of Muslims in Los Angeles by hiring an undercover agent to infiltrate and monitor mosques there.
Read the rest here.

Lane Splitting Guidelines

Lane Splitting Guidelines

Lane splitting in a safe and prudent manner is not illegal in the
state of California. The term lane splitting, sometimes known as lane
sharing, filtering or white-lining, refers to the process of a
motorcyclist riding between lanes of stopped or slower moving traffic
or moving between lanes to the front of traffic stopped at a traffic

    Lane Splitting Guidelines - Quick Guide
    Lane Splitting General Guidelines - Expanded Version

In all cases, the CHP urges extreme caution when splitting lanes.

Lane Splitting - Getting home safely is everyone's responsibility.

The CHP presents Thrill or Buzz Kill?, a motorcycle safety video reminding
motorcyclists about the added responsibility and attention the road demands.

California Motorcyclist Safety Program (CMSP) - The CHP is statutorily
responsible for California's official motorcycle safety training
program. Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 2930-2935, the
CHP administers the program through a primary contractor, currently
the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. As of March 2012, over 800,000
motorcycle riders have received training at one of the CMSP's 134
training sites since the program began in July 1987.
The program consists of a 15-hour classroom and on-cycle Basic
RiderCourse (BRC). The BRC is mandatory for those under the age of 21
but is also recommended to those 21 and older who are seeking to
obtain a motorcycle endorsement on their California driver license.
The CMSP also offers the Premier Program which is an extended BRC
consisting of 7.5 hours of classroom and 13.5 hours of on-cycle time.
While not part of the CMSP, the CHP and its partners encourage all
riders to be life long learners. Riders can refresh or enhance skills
at a Basic RiderCourse2. A website, www.ca-msp.org, serves as the
training course referral service. Find out more about the California
Motorcyclist Safety Program.
[A beginning motorcycle rider receives instruction from an instructor]

Data received from the California Office of Traffic Safety shows:
Motorcycle fatalities in California increased 175% in ten years, from
204 in 1998 to 560 in 2008. These increases in motorcyclist deaths
occurred at a time when significant gains were achieved in other areas
of traffic safety. Although we did experience reductions in motorcycle
fatalities in 2009 and 2010, preliminary 2011 data indicates a
possible increase and motorcyclists are over represented in overall
numbers of traffic deaths.
[Beginning motorcycle riders in a training class]       [A line of
beginning motorcycle riders in a training class]
A class of beginning motorcycle riders receive instruction.

California Motorcycle-Involved Statistics - Between 1986 and 1999,
California enjoyed a 13-year decline in motorcycle-involved fatal and
severe injury collisions. However, starting in 1999, these numbers
steadily increased over a 10-year period peaking in 2008. It is
important to note, however, that according to 2009 and 2010 data,
motorcycle-involved fatal and injury collisions are down

Despite the strides in reducing motorcyclist fatality and injury
collisions over the past couple of years, statistics on motorcyclists
show a disproportionate rate of collisions compared to numbers of
riders and to other traffic. A National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration report shows that for the same per-mile exposure,
motorcyclists are roughly 28 times more likely to die than occupants
of other vehicles.

Another conspicuous trend involves the number of motorcyclist
fatalities and age. Several groups of riders are over represented,
compared to their presence within the motorcycle riding population.
For example, a small percentage of the motorcycle operators are riders
aged 15-19 (4 percent) and 20-24 (6 percent), yet represent nearly
twice that percentage of fatalities (11-13 percent). A second group of
riders over represented according to their presence in the population
is riders aged 25-54. It should also be noted that 90 percent of the
fatal victims are male.

The primary cause for 59 percent of the motorcycle collisions were
attributed to three factors: unsafe speed, improper turning, and
driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

Lastly, 65 percent of the fatal and 56 percent of the injury
motorcycle-involved collisions were the fault of the motorcyclist.

View Sections 7H - 7L (Motorcycle Data) of the Statewide Integrated
Traffic Records System

Motorcycle Helmets - Repeated attempts to repeal California's
motorcycle helmet law and substitute it with a lesser version
requiring those under 18 to wear a United States Department of
Transportation compliant helmet have failed in the state legislature.
Statistical information continue to support the helmet law, but some
adult riders have been advocating its repeal from the moment the law
went into effect on January 1, 1992. Advocates of repeal contend it is
a matter of individual choice whether to wear a helmet or not, and a
personal right to decide whether to take the risk. The idea that
motorcyclists over 21 should be exempt from the requirement for
helmets completely ignores some other facts that prompted passage of
the helmet law. In 1987, before the law was passed, 77 percent of
motorcyclist fatalities involved victims over the age of 21, with 69
percent of those injured over the age of 21.

Motorcycle Safety Grants: The California Highway Patrol (CHP) will
implement a 12-month traffic safety grant to reduce
motorcycle-involved collisions on popular roadways and mountain range
areas throughout California. To maximize enforcement efforts, each CHP
Division will identify and concentrate on problematic locations on
routes within their respective Areas, where motorcycle-involved
collisions are the highest. Grant activities will include enhanced
enforcement, a public awareness and educational campaign, and paid
media campaign will be launched to show a "share the road" Public
Service Announcement. The project ends September 30, 2012 . The grant
will be disseminated throughout CHP field Divisions between October 1,
2011, and September 30, 2012.

Strategic Highway Safety Plan, Challenge Area 12, Improve Motorcycle
Safety - The MSP Unit is responsible for co-leading and participating
on this dedicated challenge area. A most recent accomplishment was the
internal development and distribution of a 12-minute DVD, 700 Gs, It's
a Killer, which provides education about proper and legal motorcycle
safety helmets. The MSP Unit is in the process of developing
additional action items in collaboration with its partners including
the Department of Motor Vehicles, California Department of
Transportation, and Office of Traffic Safety. Action items are
expected to commence in October 2011 with a target date of completion
for most items to be October 2013.

From Bikernet 4/4/2013 Post

  CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL POSTS RULES FOR LEGAL LANE-SPLITTING-- This is ridiculous. Now we have Greg Covel, executive director of ABATE of California telling us "They are very reasonable" Who does he work for the CHP, he's suppose to be supporting us. Well there is another group not to belong to.

--Joseph Guarino
Tombstone, AZ

From Bikernet 4/4/2013 Post

Am I allowed to record police? 7 Rules for Recording Police

This article by  originally appeared April 5, 2012 in Reason.com. It’s been updated to include new information regarding recent rulings in favor of citizens’ right to record police.

Last week the City of Boston agreed to pay Simon Glik $170,000 in damages and legal fees to settle a civil rights lawsuit stemming from his 2007 felony arrest for videotaping police roughing up a suspect. Prior to the settlement, the First Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously ruled that Glik had a “constitutionally protected right to videotape police carrying out their duties in public.” The Boston Police Department now explicitly instructs its officers not to arrest citizens openly recording them in public…The Boston Police Department now explicitly instructs its officers not to arrest citizens openly recording them in public.
Slowly but surely the courts are recognizing that recording on-duty police is a protected First Amendment activity. But in the meantime, police around the country continue to intimidate and arrest citizens for doing just that. So if you’re an aspiring cop watcher you must be uniquely prepared to deal with hostile cops.
If you choose to record the police you can reduce the risk of terrible legal consequences and video loss by understanding your state’s laws and carefully adhering to the following rules.
Rule #1: Know the Law (Wherever You Are)
Conceived at a time when pocket-sized recording devices were available only to James Bond types, most eavesdropping laws were originally intended to protect people against snoops, spies, and peeping Toms. Now with this technology in the hands of average citizens, police and prosecutors are abusing these outdated laws to punish citizens merely attempting to document on-duty police.
The law in 38 states plainly allows citizens to record police, as long as you don’t physically interfere with their work. Police might still unfairly harass you, detain you, or confiscate your camera. They might even arrest you for some catchall misdemeanor such as obstruction of justice or disorderly conduct. But you will not be charged for illegally recording police.
Twelve states—California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Washington—require the consent of all parties for you to record a conversation. But do not despair if you live in these states: All but 2 —Massachusetts and Illinois—have an “expectation of privacy provision” to their all-party laws that courts have ruled does not apply to on-duty police (or anyone in public). In other words, it’s technically legal in those 48 states to openly record on-duty police.
IMPORTANT UPDATES: As mentioned earlier, the First Circuit Court of Appeals covering Massachusetts declared the state’s ban on recording police to be unconstitutional. In May, The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals covering Illinois also declared the state’s harsh recording ban unconstitutional, ordering authorities to stop enforcing it. In November, The Supreme Court of the United States rejected Illinois’ petition to appeal the Seventh Circuit Court’s ruling.
Rule #2 Don’t Secretly Record Police
In most states it’s almost always illegal to record a conversation in which you’re not a party and don’t have consent to record. Massachusetts is the only state to uphold a conviction for recording on-duty police, but that conviction was for a secret recording where the defendant failed to inform police he was recording. (As in the Glik case, Massachusetts courts have ruled that openly recording police is legal, but secretly recording them isn’t.)
Fortunately, judges and juries are soundly rejecting these laws. Illinois, the state with the most notorious anti-recording laws in the land, expressly forbids you from recording on-duty police. Early last month an Illinois judge declared that law unconstitutional, ruling in favor of Chris Drew, a Chicago artist charged with felony eavesdropping for secretly recording his own arrest. Last August a jury acquitted Tiawanda Moore of secretly recording two Chicago Police Internal Affairs investigators who encouraged her to drop a sexual harassment complaint against another officer. (A juror described the case to a reporter as “a waste of time.”) In September, an Illinois state judge dropped felony charges against Michael Allison. After running afoul of local zoning ordinances, he faced up to 75 years in prison for secretly recording police and attempting to tape his own trial.
The lesson for you is this: If you want to limit your legal exposure and present a strong legal case, record police openly if possible. But if you videotape on-duty police from a distance, such an announcement might not be possible or appropriate unless police approach you.
Rule #3: Respond to “Shit Cops Say” 
When it comes to police encounters, you don’t get to choose whom you’re dealing with. You might get Officer Friendly, or you might get Officer Psycho. You’ll likely get officers between these extremes. But when you “watch the watchmen,” you must be ready to think on your feet.
In most circumstances, officers will not immediately bull rush you for filming them. But if they aren’t properly trained, they might feel like their authority is being challenged. And all too often police are simply ignorant of the law. Part of your task will be to convince them that you’re not a threat while also standing your ground.
“What are you doing?”
Police aren’t celebrities, so they’re not always used to being photographed in public. So even if you’re recording at a safe distance, they might approach and ask what you are doing. Avoid saying things like “I’m recording you to make sure you’re doing your job right” or “I don’t trust you.”
Instead, say something like “Officer, I’m not interfering. I’m asserting my First Amendment rights. You’re being documented and recorded offsite.”
Saying this while remaining calm and cool will likely put police on their best behavior. They might follow up by asking, “Who do you work for?” You may, for example, tell them you’re an independent filmmaker or a citizen journalist with a popular website/blog/YouTube show. Whatever you say, don’t lie—but don’t let police trick you into thinking that the First Amendment only applies to mainstream media journalists. It doesn’t.
“Let me see your ID.”
In the United States there’s no law requiring you to carry a government ID. But in 24 states police may require you to identify yourself if they have reasonable suspicion that you’re involved in criminal activity.
But how can you tell if an officer asking for ID has reasonable suspicion? Police need reasonable suspicion to detain you, so one way to tell if they have reasonable suspicion is to determine if you’re free to go. You can do this by saying “Officer, are you detaining me, or am I free to go?”
If the officer says you’re free to go or you’re not being detained, it’s your choice whether to stay or go. But if you’re detained, you might say something like, “I’m not required to show you ID, but my name is [your full name].” It’s up to you if you want to provide your address and date of birth if asked for it, but I’d stop short of giving them your Social Security number.
“Please stop recording me. It’s against the law.”
Rarely is it advisable to educate officers about the law. But in a tense recording situation where the law is clearly on your side, it might help your case to politely present your knowledge of state law.
For example, if an insecure cop tries to tell you that you’re violating his civil liberties, you might respond by saying “Officer, with all due respect, state law only requires permission from one party in a conversation. I don’t need your permission to record so long as I’m not interfering with your work.”
If you live in one of the 12 all party record states, you might say something like “Officer, I’m familiar with the law, but the courts have ruled that it doesn’t apply to recording on-duty police.”
If protective service officers harass you while filming on federal property, you may remind them of a recently issued directive informing them that there’s no prohibition against public photography at federal buildings.
“Stand back.”
If you’re approaching the scene of an investigation or an accident, police will likely order you to move back. Depending on the circumstances, you might become involved in an intense negotiation to determine the “appropriate” distance you need to stand back to avoid “interfering” with their work.
If you feel you’re already standing at a reasonable distance, you may say something like, “Officer, I have a right to be here. I’m filming for documentation purposes and not interfering with your work.” It’s then up to you to decide how far back you’re willing to stand to avoid arrest.
Rule #4: Don’t Share Your Video with Police
If you capture video of police misconduct or brutality, but otherwise avoid being identified yourself, you can anonymously upload it to YouTube. This seems to be the safest legal option. For example, a Massachusetts woman who videotaped a cop beating a motorist with a flashlight posted the video to the Internet. Afterwards, one of the cops caught at the scene filed criminal wiretapping charges against her. (As usual, the charges against her were later dropped.)
On the other hand, an anonymous videographer uploaded footage of an NYPD officer body-slamming a man on a bicycle to YouTube. Although the videographer was never revealed, the video went viral. Consequently, the manufactured assault charges against the bicyclist were dropped, the officer was fired, and the bicyclist eventually sued the city and won a $65,000 settlement.

Rule #5: Prepare to be Arrested
Keene, New Hampshire resident Dave Ridley is the avatar of the new breed of journalist/activist/filmmaker testing the limits of the First Amendment right to record police. Over the past few years he’s uploaded the most impressive collection of first-person police encounter videos I’ve ever seen.
Ridley’s calm demeanor and knowledge of the law paid off last August after he was arrested for trespassing at an event featuring Vice President Joe Biden. The arresting officers at his trial claimed he refused to leave when ordered to do so. But the judge acquitted him when his confiscated video proved otherwise.
With respect to the law Ridley declares, “If you’re rolling the camera, be very open and upfront about it. And look at it as a potential act of civil disobedience for which you could go to jail.” It’s indeed disturbing that citizens who are not breaking the law should prepare to be arrested, but in the current legal fog this is sage advice.
“Shut it off, or I’ll arrest you.”
At this point you are risking arrest in order to test the boundaries of free speech. So if police say they’ll arrest you, believe them. You may comply by saying something like “Okay, Officer. But I’m turning the camera off under protest.”
If you keep recording, brace yourself for arrest. Try your best not to drop your camera, but do not physically resist. As with any arrest, you have the right to remain silent until you speak with a lawyer. Use it.
Remember that the camera might still be recording. So keep calm and act like you’re being judged by a jury of millions of your YouTube peers, because one day you might be.
Rule #6: Master Your Technology
Smartphone owners now outnumber users of more basic phones. At any moment there are more than 100 million Americans in reach of a device that can capture police misconduct and share it with the world in seconds.
If you’re one of them, you should consider installing a streaming video recording and sharing app such as Qik or Bambuser. Both apps are free and easy to use.
Always Passcode Protect Your Smartphone
The magic of both apps is that they can instantly store your video offsite. This is essential for preserving video in case police illegally destroy or confiscate your camera. But even with these apps installed, you’ll want to make sure that your device is always passcode protected. If a cop snatches your camera, this will make it extremely difficult for her to simply delete your videos. (If a cop tries to trick you into revealing your passcode, never, never, never give it up!)
Keep in mind that Qik and Bambuser’s offsite upload feature might be slow or nonexistent in places without Wi-Fi or a strong 3G/4G signal. Regardless, your captured video will be saved locally on your device until you’ve got a good enough signal to upload offsite.
Set Videos to “Private”
Both apps allow you to set your account to automatically upload videos as “private” (only you can see them) or “public” (everyone can see them). But until police are no longer free toraid the homes of citizens who capture and upload YouTube videos of them going berserk, it’s probably wise to keep your default setting to “private.”
With a little bit of practice you should be able to pull your smartphone from your pocket or purse, turn it on, enter your passcode, open the app, and hit record within 10 seconds. Keep your preferred app easily accessible on your home screen to save precious seconds. But don’t try to shave milliseconds off your time by disabling your passcode.
Both apps share an important feature that allows your video to be saved if your phone is
turned off put to sleep—even if you’re still recording. So if you anticipate that a cop is about to grab your phone, quickly tap the power button to put it to sleep. Without your passcode, police won’t be able to delete your videos or personal information even if they confiscate or destroy your phone.
With the iPhone 4 and Samsung Galaxy Android devices I tested, when the phone is put to sleep the Qik app immediately stops recording and uploads the video offsite. But if the phone is put to sleep while Bambuser records, the recording continues after the screen goes black.
This Bambuser “black out” feature is a double-edged sword. While it could easily trick cops into thinking you’re not recording them, using it could push you into more dangerous legal territory. As previously mentioned, courts have shown a willingness to convict citizens for secretly recording police. So if you’re somehow caught using this feature it might be easier for a prosecutor to convince a judge or jury that you’ve broken the law. It’s up to you to decide if the increased legal risk is worth the potential to capture incriminating police footage.
Other Recording Options
Cameras lacking offsite recording capability are a less desirable option. As mentioned earlier, if cops delete or destroy your footage—which happens way too often—you might lose your only hope of challenging their version of events in court. But if you can hold on to your camera, there are some good options.
Carlos Miller is a Miami-based photojournalism activist and writer of the popular Photography is Not a Crime blog. While he carries a professional-end Canon XA10 in the field, he says “I never leave home without a Flip camera on a belt pouch. It’s a very decent camera that’s easier to carry around.”
The top-of-the-line Flip UltraHD starts at $178, but earlier models are available for $60 on Amazon. All flip models have one-button recording, which allows you to pull it out of your pocket and shoot within seconds. The built-in USB then lets you upload video to YouTube or other sharing sites through your PC.
Small businessman and “radical technology” educator Justin Holmes recommends the Canon S-series line of cameras. In 2008, his camera captured a police encounter he had while rollerblading in Port Dickenson, New York. His footage provides an outstanding real-life example of how a calm camera-toting citizen can intelligently flex their rights.
“I typically carry a Canon S5-IS,” Holmes says. “But if I was going to buy one new, I’d go for the SX40-HS. If I were on a budget and buying one used, I’d go for S2-IS or S3-IS.” The features he regards as essential include one-touch video, high-quality stereo condenser microphones, fast zoom during video, and 180×270 variable angle LCD. But the last feature he regards as “absolutely essential.” With it the user can glance at the viewfinder while the camera is below or above eye level.
Rule #7: Don’t Point Your Camera Like a Gun
“When filming police you always want to avoid an aggressive posture,” insists Holmes. To do this he keeps his strap-supported camera close to his body at waist level. This way he can hold a conversation while maintaining eye contact with police, quickly glancing at the viewfinder to make sure he’s getting a good shot.
Obviously, those recording with a smartphone lack this angled viewfinder. But you can get a satisfactory shot while holding your device at waist level, tilting it upward a few degrees. This posture might feel awkward at first, but it’s noticeably less confrontational than holding the camera between you and the officer’s face.
Also try to be in control of your camera before an officer approaches. You want to avoid suddenly grasping for it. If a cop thinks you’re reaching for a gun, you could get shot.
Becoming a Hero
If you’ve recently been arrested or charged with a crime after recording police, contact a lawyer with your state’s ACLU chapter for advice as soon as possible. (Do not publicly upload your video before then.) You may also contact Flex Your Rights via Facebook or Twitter. We’re not a law firm, but we’ll do our best to help you.
If your case is strong, the ACLU might offer to take you on as a litigant. If you accept, your brave stand could forever change the way police treat citizens asserting their First Amendment right to record police. This path is not for fools, and it might disrupt your life. But next time you see police in action, don’t forget that a powerful tool for truth and justice might literally be in your hands.


Supreme Court Says Never Speak to a Police Officer

Supreme Court Says Never Speak to a Police Officer
PoliceCrimes.com Breaking News and Top Stories

Supreme Court Says Never Speak to a Police Officer
by WaTcHeR
Read what rights you have when dealing with a police officer http://www.policecrimes.com/police.html

Washington — The Supreme Court retreated from strict enforcement of the famous Miranda decision on Tuesday, ruling that a crime suspect's words could be used against him if he failed to clearly invoke his rights clearly and, instead, answered a single question.

In the past, the court has said the "burden rests on the government" to show that a crime suspect has "knowingly and intelligently waived" his rights.

But in a 5-4 decision Tuesday, the court said that a citizen must invoke his rights. If he fails to do so, anything he says can be used to convict him, the justices said.

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote that police were "not required to obtain a waiver" of the suspect's "right to remain silent before interrogating him."

In this case, Michigan police had informed the suspect, Van Thompkins, of his rights, including the right to remain silent. Thompkins said he understood, but he did not tell the officer he wanted to stop the questioning or speak to a lawyer.

But he sat in a chair and said nothing for about two hours and 45 minutes. At that point, the officer asked, "Do you pray to God to forgive you for shooting that boy down?"

"Yes," Thompson said and looked away. He refused to sign a confession or speak further, but he was convicted of first-degree murder, based largely on his one-word reply.

The U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Thompkins' conviction on the grounds that the use of the incriminating answer violated his right against self-incrimination under the Miranda decision.

The Supreme Court reversed that ruling of a lower court ruling and reinstated the conviction. "A suspect who has received and understood the Miranda warnings and has not invoked his Miranda rights waives the right to remain silent by making an uncoerced statement to the police," Kennedy said. He was joined by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr.

The court ruled that an ambiguous situation would be treated in favor of the police.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, in a dissent longer than the majority opinion, argued that the majority misread precedent and reached beyond the facts of the case to impose a tough new rule against defendants.

"Today's decision turns Miranda upside down," Justice Sotomayor wrote. "Criminal suspects must now unambiguously invoke their right to remain silent—which, counter intuitively, requires them to speak."

Justices John Paul Stevens, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer joined her dissent.

The majority ruling is in line with the position taken by the Obama administration and Supreme Court nominee U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan. In December, she filed a brief on the side of Michigan prosecutors and argued that "the government need not prove that a suspect expressly waived his rights."

She said that "if a suspect knows and understands his Miranda rights," anything he says can be used against him in court."Cops that lie, need to die!" A police officer that lies to get an arrest or send someone to prison should be shot.

"In the U.S., a cop with a gun can commit the most heinous crime and be given the benefit of the doubt."

"The U.S. Government does not have rights, it has privileges delegated to it by the people."
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Re: Supreme Court Says Never Speak to a Police Officer
by WaTcHeR » 02 Aug 2010, Mon 8:30 pm

Supreme Court trims Miranda warning rights: `Death by a thousand cuts' says defense attorney

You have the right to remain silent, but only if you tell the police that you're remaining silent.

You have a right to a lawyer — before, during and after questioning, even though the police don't have to tell you exactly when the lawyer can be with you. If you can't afford a lawyer, one will be provided to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you, which, by the way, are only good for the next two weeks?

The Supreme Court made major revisions to the now familiar Miranda warnings this year. The rulings will change the ways police, lawyers and criminal suspects interact amid what experts call an attempt to pull back some of the rights that Americans have become used to over recent decades.

The high court has made clear it's not going to eliminate the requirement that police officers give suspects a Miranda warning, so it is tinkering around the edges, said Jeffrey L. Fisher, co-chair of the amicus committee of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

"It's death by a thousand cuts," Fisher said. "For the past 20-25 years, as the court has turned more conservative on law and order issues, it has been whittling away at Miranda and doing everything it can to ease the admissibility of confessions that police wriggle out of suspects."

The court placed limits on the so-called Miranda rights three times during the just-ended session. Experts viewed the large number of rulings as a statistical aberration, rather than a full-fledged attempt to get rid of the famous 1966 decision. The original ruling emerged from police questioning of Ernesto Miranda in a rape and kidnapping case in Phoenix. It required officers to tell suspects taken into custody that they have the right to remain silent and to have a lawyer represent them, even if they can't afford one.

The court's three decisions "indicate a desire to prune back the rules somewhat," Kent Scheidegger, the legal director of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation, a victims' rights group. "But I don't think any overruling of Miranda is in the near future. I think that controversy is pretty much dead."

The Supreme Court in 2000 upheld the requirement that the Miranda warning be read to criminal suspects.

This year's Supreme Court decisions did not mandate changes in the wording of Miranda warnings read by arresting police officers. The most common version is now familiar to most Americans, thanks to television police shows: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?"

However, the court did approve one state version of the Miranda warnings that did not specifically inform suspects that they had a right to have a lawyer present during their police questioning.

The Miranda warning used in parts of Florida told suspects: "You have the right to talk to a lawyer before answering any of our questions. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be appointed for you without cost and before any questioning. You have the right to use any of these rights at any time you want during this interview."

Lawyers — and the Florida Supreme Court — said that didn't make clear that lawyers can be present as the police are doing their questioning. But Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, writing the 7-2 majority decision, said all the required information was there.

"Nothing in the words used indicated that counsel's presence would be restricted after the questioning commenced," Ginsburg said. "Instead, the warning communicated that the right to counsel carried forward to and through the interrogation."

The next day, the court unanimously limited how long Miranda rights are valid.

The high court said for the first time that a suspect's request for a lawyer is good for only 14 days after the person is released from police custody. The 9-0 ruling pulled back from an earlier decision that said that police must halt all questioning for all time if a suspect asks for a lawyer.

Police can now attempt to question a suspect who asked for a lawyer — once the person has been released from custody for at least two weeks — without violating the person's constitutional rights and without having to repeat the Miranda warning.

"In our judgment, 14 days will provide plenty of time for the suspect to get reacclimated to his normal life, to consult with friends and counsel and to shake off any residual coercive effects of his prior custody," said Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion.

And finally, the court's conservatives used their 5-4 advantage to rule that suspects must break their silence and tell police they are going to remain quiet if they want to invoke their "right to remain silent" and stop an interrogation, just as they must tell police that they want a lawyer.

All the criminal suspect needs to say is he or she is remaining silent, wrote Justice Anthony Kennedy. "Had he made either of these simple, unambiguous statements, he would have invoked his 'right to cut off questioning.' Here he did neither, so he did not invoke his right to remain silent."

But Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the majority's decision "turns Miranda upside down."

"American citizens must now unambiguously invoke their right to remain silent — which counter intuitively requires them to speak." "At the same time, suspects will be legally presumed to have waived their rights even if they have given no clear expression of their intent to do so."

Police officers will look at these decisions and incorporate them into their training, said James Pasco of the National Fraternal Order of Police. "Officers are expected to adapt to changes required by the Supreme Court," Pasco said. "This will be no different."

But Fisher thinks the court's Miranda decisions will make it easier for police to get confessions out of people who don't want to confess. "Those decisions open up ways for cops to work around Miranda," Fisher said.

http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0802/expert ... k-miranda/"Cops that lie, need to die!" A police officer that lies to get an arrest or send someone to prison should be shot.

"In the U.S., a cop with a gun can commit the most heinous crime and be given the benefit of the doubt."

"The U.S. Government does not have rights, it has privileges delegated to it by the people."
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Re: Supreme Court Says Never Speak to a Police Officer
by WaTcHeR » 02 Aug 2010, Mon 8:31 pm

When U.S. law enforcement officials captured suspected Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad, they did the unthinkable: They read him his Miranda rights. Despite the fact that Shahzad continued to cooperate after the reading of his rights, defense hawks criticized the move as soft on terrorism. Now, one member of Congress has introduced a startling solution:

The bill filed Thursday by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) would change federal law by creating a procedure to question a suspected terrorist for up to four days before taking him or her to court without jeopardizing prosecutors’ ability to use statements made by a suspect during that time.

It would also express Congress’s view that authorities can delay reading Miranda warnings “for as long as is necessary” to elicit intelligence from a terror suspect.

The White House has yet to take a position on Schiff's bill, but you can bet Attorney General Eric Holder will like what he sees.

Under the bill, the attorney general or the director of national intelligence or their top deputies could certify to a court that an individual is a terrorism suspect and “may be able to provide intelligence to protect the public safety.” In such cases, authorities could question the individual for up to 48 hours without facing an automatic presumption that the statements couldn’t be used in court. A judge or magistrate could extend the period for another 48 hours “for good cause shown.”

While "for good cause shown" sounds like the legal equivalent of "just for fun," Ben Wittes, an analyst at the Brookings Institution, said he liked the bill, except for the only-four-days-of-detention part.

Wittes also said 48 to 96 hours really doesn’t give interrogators much time to talk to a suspect. “If you’re going to do this, you might as well give the government more time than that,” the Brookings expert said.

That's right, federal authorities "might as well" gain the power to hold and question suspected criminals for extended periods of time. While one would expect less hawkishness from a bill written by a California Democrat, the fact that Schiff is up for re-election against this guy puts things in context. When your opponent lists his first two credentials as "former military, former law enforcement," it's time to move to the right, no matter how misguided curtailing prisoners' rights may be.

The bill filed Thursday by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) would change federal law by creating a procedure to question a suspected terrorist for up to four days before taking him or her to court without jeopardizing prosecutors’ ability to use statements made by a suspect during that time.

It would also express Congress’s view that authorities can delay reading Miranda warnings “for as long as is necessary” to elicit intelligence from a terror suspect.

The White House has yet to take a position on Schiff's bill, but you can bet Attorney General Eric Holder will like what he sees.

Under the bill, the attorney general or the director of national intelligence or their top deputies could certify to a court that an individual is a terrorism suspect and “may be able to provide intelligence to protect the public safety.” In such cases, authorities could question the individual for up to 48 hours without facing an automatic presumption that the statements couldn’t be used in court. A judge or magistrate could extend the period for another 48 hours “for good cause shown.”

While "for good cause shown" sounds like the legal equivalent of "just for fun," Ben Wittes, an analyst at the Brookings Institution, said he liked the bill, except for the only-four-days-of-detention part.

Wittes also said 48 to 96 hours really doesn’t give interrogators much time to talk to a suspect. “If you’re going to do this, you might as well give the government more time than that,” the Brookings expert said.

That's right, federal authorities "might as well" gain the power to hold and question suspected criminals for extended periods of time. While one would expect less hawkishness from a bill written by a California Democrat, the fact that Schiff is up for re-election against this guy puts things in context. When your opponent lists his first two credentials as "former military, former law enforcement," it's time to move to the right, no matter how misguided curtailing prisoners' rights may be.

http://reason.com/blog/2010/08/02/those ... y-coming-t"Cops that lie, need to die!" A police officer that lies to get an arrest or send someone to prison should be shot.

"In the U.S., a cop with a gun can commit the most heinous crime and be given the benefit of the doubt."

"The U.S. Government does not have rights, it has privileges delegated to it by the people."
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Re: Supreme Court Says Never Speak to a Police Officer
by WaTcHeR » 25 Mar 2011, Fri 7:42 pm

New rules allow investigators to hold domestic-terror suspects longer than others without giving them a Miranda warning, significantly expanding exceptions to the instructions that have governed the handling of criminal suspects for more than four decades.

The move is one of the Obama administration's most significant revisions to rules governing the investigation of terror suspects in the U.S. And it potentially opens a new political tussle over national security policy, as the administration marks another step back from pre-election criticism of unorthodox counterterror methods.

The Supreme Court's 1966 Miranda ruling obligates law-enforcement officials to advise suspects of their rights to remain silent and to have an attorney present for questioning. A 1984 decision amended that by allowing the questioning of suspects for a limited time before issuing the warning in cases where public safety was at issue.

That exception was seen as a limited device to be used only in cases of an imminent safety threat, but the new rules give interrogators more latitude and flexibility to define what counts as an appropriate circumstance to waive Miranda rights.

Matthew Miller, a Justice Department spokesman, said the memo ensures that "law enforcement has the ability to question suspected terrorists without immediately providing Miranda warnings when the interrogation is reasonably prompted by immediate concern for the safety of the public or the agents." He said "the threat posed by terrorist organizations and the nature of their attacks—which can include multiple accomplices and interconnected plots—creates fundamentally different public safety concerns than traditional criminal cases."

The new guidelines could blunt criticism from Republicans, many of whom have pushed for terror suspects to be sent to military detention, where they argue that rigid Miranda restrictions don't apply. But many liberals will likely oppose the move, as might some conservatives who believe the administration doesn't have legal authority to rein in such rights.

The Justice Department believes it has the authority to tinker with Miranda procedures. Making the change administratively rather than through legislation in Congress, however, presents legal risks.

New York Republican Peter King, chairman of the House homeland-security committee, is among the lawmakers who welcomed Mr. Holder's call to change Miranda. At a hearing last year, Mr. King said, "It's important that we ensure that the reforms do go forward and that at the very least the attorney general consults with everyone in the intelligence community before any Miranda warning is given."

The Miranda protocols have been controversial since the high court formalized a practice that was already in use by the FBI, albeit not uniformly. Conservatives have long argued that the warning impedes law enforcement's ability to protect the public.

President Barack Obama has grappled with a web of terrorism policies cobbled together since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Before becoming president, Mr. Obama had criticized the Bush administration for going outside traditional criminal procedures to deal with terror suspects, and for bypassing Congress in making rules to handle detainees after 9/11. He has since embraced many of the same policies while devising additional ones—to the disappointment of civil-liberties groups that championed his election. In recent weeks, the administration formalized procedures for indefinitely detaining some suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, allowing for periodic reviews of those deemed too dangerous to set free.

The Bush administration, in the aftermath of 9/11, chose to bypass the Miranda issue altogether as it crafted a military-detention system that fell outside the rules that govern civilians. Under Mr. Bush, the government used Miranda in multiple terror cases. But Mr. Bush also ordered the detention of two people in a military brig as "enemy combatants." The government eventually moved both suspects—Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen, and Ali al-Marri, a Qatari man—into the federal criminal-justice system after facing legal challenges. In other cases, it processed suspects through the civilian system.

An increase in the number of domestic-terror cases in recent years has made the issue more pressing.

The Miranda change leaves other key procedures in place, notably federal rules for speedy presentation of suspects before a magistrate, normally within 24 hours. Legal experts say those restrictions are bigger obstacles than Miranda to intelligence gathering. The FBI memo doesn't make clear whether investigators seeking exemptions would have to provide a Miranda warning at the time of such a hearing.

Also unchanged is the fact that any statements suspects give during such pre-Miranda questioning wouldn't be admissible in court, the memo says.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142 ... 19898.html"Cops that lie, need to die!" A police officer that lies to get an arrest or send someone to prison should be shot.

"In the U.S., a cop with a gun can commit the most heinous crime and be given the benefit of the doubt."

"The U.S. Government does not have rights, it has privileges delegated to it by the people."

Never talk to a police officer even if he hasn’t read your Miranda Rights to you. There’s no law that requires you to answer any questions a police officer or a Federal agent ask.

Assertion of Rights..

Assertion of Rights
Officer, Please understand:
I have the right to have an attorney present if you want to question me or conduct any search of my body or personal effects.  I am not giving my consent to any type of search.
If I am under arrest, I wish to invoke and exercise my Miranda Rights.  I would like to speak to an attorney now.  I do not want my personal property impounded, nor do I consent to any impounment.  I request the opportunity to secure my personal effects.
If I am not under arrest, please tell me immediately so that I may leave.
If you are stopped for questioning:
1. It's not a crime to refuse to answer questions, but refusing to answer can make the police suspicious about you.  You cannot be arrested for merely refusing to identify yourself on the street.

2. Police may "pat down" your clothing if they suspect a concealed weapon.  Don't physically resist, but make it clear you don't consent to further search.

3. Ask if you are under arrest.  If you are, you have the right to know why.

4. Don't badmouth the police officer or run away, even if you beleive what is happening is unreasonable.  That could lead to your arrest.
If you are stopped in your car:
1. Upon request, show them your driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance.  In certain cases, our car can be searched without a warrant as long as the police have probable cause.  To protect yourself later, you should make it clear that you do not consent to a search.  It is not lawful for police to arrest you simply for refusing to consent to a search. 
2. If you are given a ticket, you should sign it, otherwise you could be arrested.  You can always fight the case in court later.  If you are suspected of drunk driving (DWI) and refuse to take a blood, urine, or breath test, your driver's license may be suspended.
 While there are a lot of good LEOs out there just trying to do a hard job, there is no way to tell the good ones from the bad.  For your own protection, consider what you read here and know your rights.What the Police preferred you didn't know
Have you ever heard of the old saying "ignorance of the law is no excuse?" Basically that's how police officers and some judges feel about your constitutional rights. What you don't know and never were taught in school could hurt you!

Police officers are generally depicted as public servants, but they can be your worst enemy when they count on people like you not being knowledgeable of their constitutional rights. Just because you or your children didn't know they had rights under the constitution and gave up those rights by talking to a police officer or a federal agent without an attorney could cost you dearly. This includes even a casual conversation that could happen on a traffic stop or on a sidewalk

Educate your kids. Minors have Rights!
What To Do If A Police Officer Stops You
To stop you a police officer must have a specific reason to suspect your involvement in a specific crime and should be able to tell you the reason. This is known as reasonable suspicion. Most times you are probably getting pulled over for a traffic violation such as speeding or maybe a tail light is out. Although the stop may seem wrong or unfair, the police believe they have a reason to stop you
Your Rights During a Police Encounter. Rules you should know to protect yourself from the police:

Rule #1 - Never talk to a police officer. Keep your mouth shut! (You never have to answer any questions a police officer may ask, except for your name, address and date of birth.)
Rule #2 - Never talk to a police officer. Keep your mouth shut! (How can you be charged with something if you haven't said anything?) Remember anything you say or do can be used against you.
Rule #3 - "Am I Free to Go?" As soon as a police officer ask you a question, ask the police officer, "Am I Free to Go?" If you are detained or arrested by a police officer, tell them that you are going to remain silent and that you would like to see a lawyer.
Rule #4 - Safety. Never bad-mouth a police officer. Stay calm and in control of your words, body language and your emotions. Always keep your hands where the police officer can see them. Don't run away and never touch a police officer!
Rule #5 - Refuse to Consent to Searches. Just say NO to searches! Remember if the police didn't need your permission, they wouldn't be asking you. Never give permission to a police officer to search you, your car or your home. If a police officer does search you, don't resist!
Rule #6 - Ask for a Supervisor. If all else fails and you feel the police officer is abusing your rights, ask him to call his "supervisor" to your location.
Traffic Stops
You usually will be required to show the usual documentation, such as your driver's license, registration and proof of insurance. You don't have to open your window more than a crack to hand it out.
On traffic stops the police usually will ask you "personal" questions such as, where are you going, where have you been, who did you see, how long did you visit, ect. At that point it's the perfect time to exercise your RIGHTS by asking the police officer, "AM I FREE TO GO?" There is NO legal requirement that citizens provide information about their comings and goings to police officers! Another words it's none of the police officers damn business!If you are ordered out of your car, lock the door behind you.
Remember that the officer is not trying to be your buddy and become a new friend, they are on a "fishing expedition" to find something against you! They have nothing criminal on you, so they're looking for anything while they have you pulled over.

A good time to ask "AM I FREE TO GO," is after the cop has given you a "warning" or a "ticket" and you have signed it. Once you have signed that ticket the traffic stop is legally over with, so says the Supreme Court. Now if you want to stand around and shoot the breeze with the officer or answer his questions, that is up to you. Just remember you don't have to! After you sign the ticket ask, "AM I FREE TO GO?"

Anything You Say Can And Will Be Used Against You!
Staying silent will not hurt you. Do not let the police persuade you to talk. The officer may not like this and may challenge you with words like, "If you have nothing to hide, why won't you speak to me?" Just like the first question, you do not have to answer this one either. They may tell you that staying quiet will make things worse for you or that they'll go easy on you if you talk but this is not true!
You have every right NOT to talk to a police officer, and you shouldn't speak to them unless you have first consulted with a lawyer who has advised you differently. Some cops are worse than others and some of them may treat you differently if they think you know your rights. The police depend on fear and intimidation to get what they want.
If you run into a really bad cop, talking back to him and standing up for your rights might get you beaten up or killed, so be careful about the realistic limits of the law and of your rights as an American. Cops are perhaps the most dangerous members of our society, so be careful when you talk to them.
The Federal Supreme Court has ruled that as long as the police do not force an individual to do something, the individual is acting voluntarily, even if a normal person would feel very intimidated and would not reasonably feel they could say no. See (Florida v. Bostick, 1991)If you do what a policeman tells you to do before you are arrested, you are 'voluntarily' complying with their 'requests'.
Be as nice as possible, but stand firm on your rights! Read the Fourth & Fifth Amendment
Car Searches And Body Searches
Remember they wouldn't ask you if they didn't need your permission!
A police officers swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, not to violate your rights against unreasonable search and seizure. If a cop ask or tries to search you, your home or your car, say repeatedly "I DON'T CONSENT TO THIS SEARCH !"
"The right to be free from unreasonable searches is one of our most precious First Liberties"
You DON'T have to give consent to a law enforcement officer to search your vehicle or home. While you DON'T have to consent, bear in mind that the expectation of privacy in a car is less than the expectation of privacy in your home. Based in part on the lessened expectation of privacy in a car, law enforcement officers are permitted to conduct a warrantless search of a car if the officer has probable cause. "In most cases the police officer will lie and make up a probable cause."
Just for being stopped for a traffic violation should not allow the officer to search your car; however, if the officer saw you throw an empty beer can out the window, that may be sufficient probable cause to search your car. If the officer "thinks" he smells marijuana as he approaches the car, he then may use that as probable cause to search you car.
Police Pat Downs...
The law allows police to pat down your outer clothing for the protection of the officer if you're being detained. The officer may only pat your outer clothing to see if you have any weapons. If the police feel something that could be a weapon, then the police can go into your pockets and search. Otherwise a police officer CAN'T go through your pockets or make you empty your pockets unless you are under arrest.
To protect yourself, make it clear that you "don't consent to a search" and ask why they are searching you. Remember the reason they give you. If they claim to have a warrant, ask to see it. Whether or not they have a warrant, you can protect your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS by making it clear that you do not consent to a search.
If the Police Knock at Your Home-You Don't Have to Open the Door!
If the police knock and ask to enter your home, you DON'T have to open the door unless they have a warrant signed by a judge. Such an invitation not only gives the police officer the opportunity to look around for clues to your lifestyle, friends, reading material, etc; but also tends to prolong the conversation.
There is no law that says you have to open your door to a police officer. Don't open your door with the chain-lock on either, the police can shove their way in. Police are known to kick in doors. Simply shout "I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY!"
If the police do have a search warrant, ask to see it and make sure that it is signed, has the correct date, correct address, and apartment number, ect.
* In some emergency situations (like when a person is screaming for help inside, or when the police are chasing someone) officers are allowed to enter and search your home without a warrant.
NEVER agree to go to the police station for questioning. Simply say, "I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY."
If a Police Officer Stops You On The Sidewalk...
You are perfectly within your rights to say to the officer who asks to speak with you, "Officer I do not want speak with you, good-bye." At this point you should be free to leave the officer's presence. The officer may not like this and may challenge you with words like, "If you have nothing to hide, why won't you speak to me?" Just like the first question, you do not have to answer this question either.
There is NO law that says you must tell a police officer where you are going or where you have been. So keep your mouth shut and say nothing!
The next step the police officer might take is to ask for identification. If you have identification on you, tell the officer where it is and ask permission to reach for it.  Some states do not require you to show identification, be aware of the laws in your state.
Probable Cause...
A police officer has no right to detain you unless there exists reasonable suspicion that you committed a crime or traffic violation. However a police officer is always allowed to initiate a voluntary conversation with you.
Sometimes it is unclear whether or not a person is detained. If you are in doubt, you should ask the police officer if you are in "Am I Free to Leave." Now if the police officer doesn't have "probable cause", and you refuse him to search your car, he might bring in a drug dog. At this point since the officer has no probable cause, he may be illegally detaining you. 
Under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, police may engage in "reasonable" searches and seizures. To prove that a search is "reasonable," the police must generally show that it is more likely than not that a crime has occurred, and that if a search is conducted it is probable that they will find either stolen goods or evidence of the crime. This is called "probable cause."
Police may use first hand information, or tips from an "informant" to justify the need to search your property. If an informant's information is used, the police must prove that the information is reliable under the circumstances.
Here is a case where the police used an "informant's" word and the police officers took it upon themselves to kick in a door of a home at 1:30 in the morning without obtaining a search warrant. The aftermath was six police officers firing over 30 shots and shooting an innocent man 9 times in the back as he laid on the ground. Read Story
What You Don't Know Could Change Your Life Forever...
You might be wondering, don't police tell me that I have the right not to be searched? After all when a suspect is arrested, he is told before interrogation takes place that he has the right to remain silent.
The Supreme Court has said NO. According to the Court, the fact that a person might not know he has the right to refuse a search is merely one factor in the determination of whether his consent is voluntary. The Court has reasoned that the police do not need to give warnings -- to eliminate any doubt about the suspect's knowledge of her rights -- because warnings might detract from the informality of an otherwise "friendly" interaction between "civilians and the police." So you might ask yourself, is someone that would use something against you really a "friend?"
The Supreme Court has explained that "the community has a real interest in encouraging consent, for the resulting search may yield necessary evidence for the solution and prosecution of crime...." Furthermore, the Court has concluded, it would be "thoroughly impractical" to require an effective warning about the right to refuse.
Can We Trust the Cops?
Are police officers allowed to lie to you? Yes the Supreme Court has ruled that a police officer can lie to a citizen while questioning them. Police officers are very good at lying, twisting words and they are trained to be manipulative. Police officers and other law enforcement agents are very skilled at getting information from people. So don't try to out smart the cop or try being a smooth talker because you will loose! If you can keep your mouth shut, you might just come out ahead more then you expected.
The federal government made a law that says citizens can't lie to federal agents. They can lie to us, but we can't lie to them. Makes perfect since don't it? The best thing you can do is ask for a lawyer and keep your mouth shut. How can you be charged with something if you haven't said anything?
Although police officers may seem nice and pretend to be on your side, they are likely to be intent on learning about the habits, opinions, and affiliations of people not suspected of wrongdoing, with the end goal of stopping political activity with which the government disagrees. Don't try to answer the police officers questions, or try to "educate them" about your cause, it can be very dangerous! You can never tell how a seemingly harmless bit of information that you give the police officer might be used and misconstrued to hurt you or someone else. And keep in mind that lying to a federal agent is a crime.
Officers may promise shorter sentences and other deals for statements or confessions. The police cannot legally make deals with people they arrest. The only person who can make a deal that can be enforced is the prosecutor, and he should not talk with you without a lawyer present who represents you.
Teach your children that the cops are not always their friends, and the police officer must contact a parent for permission to ask your child any questions. Remember that the police are trained to put you at ease and to get you to trust them. Their job is to find, arrest and help convict a suspect. And that suspect is you!
Lies That The Police Use To Get You To Talk...
There are many ways the police will try to trick you into talking. Its always safest just to say the Magic Words: I'm going to remain silent and I want a lawyer.
The following are common lie's the police use when they're trying to get you to talk:
* "You will have to stay here and answer my questions" or "You're not leaving until I find out what I want."
* "I have evidence on you. Tell me what I want to know or else." (They can fabricate ''fake'' evidence to convince you to tell them what they want to know.)
* "You're not a suspect. Were simply investigating here. Just help us understand what happened and then you can go."
* "If you don't answer my questions, I won't have any choice but to take you to jail."
* "If you don't answer these questions, you'll be charged with resisting arrest."

If The Police Arrest You...
If you are arrested, the police can search you and the area close by. If you are in a building, "close by" usually means just the room you are in. If during a search or an arrest the police take anything from you, they must give you a receipt for every item seized, including your wallet and its contents, clothes, and any packages you were carrying when arrested.
* Even if your rights weren't read, refuse to talk until your lawyer/public defender arrives.
* If your arrested and can not afford an attorney, you have the right to a public defender. If you get a public defender always make it clear that the public defender is not representing you, but merely is serving as your counsel.
* Do not talk to the inmates in jail about your case.
* Within a reasonable time after your arrest, or booking, you have the right to make a local phone call: to a lawyer, bail bondsman, a relative or any other person. The police may not listen to the call to the lawyer.
* If you're on probation or parole, tell your P.O. you've been arrested, but nothing else.
* You may be released with or without bail following the booking. If not, you have the right to go into court and see a judge the next court day after your arrest. Demand this RIGHT! When you appear before the judge, ask for an attorney. An attorney has a better chance at convincing a judge to let you out on a lower bail then you could.
When to talk to the Police
Video that explains your rights.


US - States Where Owning a Silencer Is Legal........

States Where Owning a Silencer Is Legal.........

    • State laws govern the legality of gun silencers.gun image by Goran Bogicevic from Fotolia.com
      United States gun laws vary from state to state, and federal firearms laws are supplemented, broadened or limited by state laws. Ownership of gun silencers is permitted by state law in a majority states, although some states' laws place restrictions on silencer ownership. A silencer, which is also commonly known as a suppressor, sound suppressor or sound moderator, is a device which reduces the amount of noise and flash occurring when a gun is fired.
    • States Where Silencers Are Legal

    • It is legal for private individuals to own silencers in the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
    • Missouri

    • Owning a silencer is legal in Missouri, with the condition that the owner must hold a C&R (curio and relic) license. This is a federal license which allows people to collect antique firearms. The C&R licensing process takes several months to complete.
    • Dealers and ManufacturersClass 3 dealers and Class 2 manufacturers may legally own a silencer in the following states: California, Iowa, Massachusetts and Michigan. Private individuals, however, are not allowed to own a silencer in these four states.
    • More Information
    • For further information regarding the legality of silencer ownership in a specific state, check with either your state's attorney general, or the local office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The law is changeable and it is best to fully check into silencer laws several months before considering purchasing one.

      Read more: States Where Owning a Silencer Is Legal | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/list_6852164_states-owning-silencer-legal.html#ixzz1k8AAcaTy
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