RE: AB 51, Lane Splitting Bill UPDATE!
CALL TO ACTION - FIGHT AB 51: We've just received the language of a proposed amendment to AB 51, Assemblyman Quirk's bill that would codify lane splitting in CA. The proposed amendment is unacceptable.
Quirk promised that he'd review the latest data from the UC Berkeley / SafeTREC study, and adjust the language accordingly. The amendment would allow for a 15 MPH delta, but limit splitting speed to 50 MPH, meaning splitting would only be allowed in traffic traveling at 35 MPH or less.
RE: AB 51, Lane Splitting Bill UPDATE!
CALL TO ACTION - FIGHT AB 51: We've just received the language of a proposed amendment to AB 51, Assemblyman Quirk's bill that would codify lane splitting in CA. The proposed amendment is unacceptable.
Quirk promised that he'd review the latest data from the UC Berkeley / SafeTREC study, and adjust the language accordingly. The amendment would allow for a 15 MPH delta, but limit splitting speed to 50 MPH, meaning splitting would only be allowed in traffic traveling at 35 MPH or less.
This limitation is not what Quirk promised, and is not in line with the data from UC Berkeley. We must kill this bill before it makes it out of the Assembly.
How? Start writing and calling, make it known that motorcyclists are unified against the bill. The bill will come to a vote on the Assembly floor soon—let's kill it before it makes it to the Senate.
1. Find your Assembly member here:…/dist…/assemblydistricts.html
2. Write them a a letter, and call their office.
3. Share this information with everyone you know that rides or cares about riders, via Facebook, Twitter, email, and so on.
What do you say?
First, we have data—this data should be used to inform the bill, and has been ignored.
Second, Quirk promised he'd use this data, and has chosen to break that promise.
Third, the speed limit is too low, which reduces the utility and safety benefits of lane splitting, ultimately leading to increased injuries and deaths of members of our riding community.
It's GO time. It's critical that we raise a unified voice against this bill, to let Quirk know that we're a force to be respected, and to keep our lane splitting privilege intact and safe.
How? Start writing and calling, make it known that motorcyclists are unified against the bill. The bill will come to a vote on the Assembly floor soon—let's kill it before it makes it to the Senate.
1. Find your Assembly member here:…/dist…/assemblydistricts.html
2. Write them a a letter, and call their office.
3. Share this information with everyone you know that rides or cares about riders, via Facebook, Twitter, email, and so on.
What do you say?
First, we have data—this data should be used to inform the bill, and has been ignored.
Second, Quirk promised he'd use this data, and has chosen to break that promise.
Third, the speed limit is too low, which reduces the utility and safety benefits of lane splitting, ultimately leading to increased injuries and deaths of members of our riding community.
It's GO time. It's critical that we raise a unified voice against this bill, to let Quirk know that we're a force to be respected, and to keep our lane splitting privilege intact and safe.