I'm going to be doing various posts on what is currently going on in this country; at least my view...a view that is shared by many others. But first, my Facebook page is set up for Friends only. Point being if you share my posts, your friends may not be able to see them. So feel free (if you like the post) to cut and paste. My purpose is try to educate others on who we are as Americans and the current process being used and why (at least my opinion) as to why the greatest country ever conceived for individual freedom is being systematically pulled apart.
America; how did we happen to be? To understand what America represents or was suppose to represent you really need a good understanding of who those men were who risked everything to create this country. For an education I recommend the only source that I know of that educates and discusses from the actual documents...not someone else's text; Hillsdale College. They offer free online discussion course. I would also recommend their book " The U.S. Constitution...a Reader". This is not a text book. It includes multitudes of actual documents and letters pertaining to our freedom. It is from this "reader" that they have excellent on line courses. You must acquire this knowledge to fully understand what a unique concept America is. Our founding fathers had a written plan...we are the only country ever created this way. At the time of our creation we (America) was created as a REPUBLIC, not a Democracy. We were the first Republic form of government created in 17 CENTURIES! No where in our Constitution or any State Constitution is America referred to as a Democracy. There is a reason and purpose for that. When those few signed the Declaration of Independence did you know that the British went out and arrested some of their families? Tortured and threatened with death unless they swore an oath to the King? Do not rely on sources like Wikipedia; look up the second Amendment and you will see why. Do not trust text books, they are the tools to brainwash our children; review Common Core. There is a reason for what they are doing. But for now, do your best to learn your heritage, the truth.
America: Freedom. Freedom to do what? Pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness. How, by making the government accountable to us (at least that was the plan). But besides guns, religious freedom, free speech and so on; how are we free? One of the basis of the Constitution (4th Amendment) is private land ownership. With that we are free to innovate to work for ourselves, to reap what we sow. Innovation, it is was drives our economy which based on Capitalism. Going through the history of the US, through all of the hard times, through all of the bad and stupid government decisions; the one thing and I truly mean the ONE thing that has always pulled America through was private business innovation. Today there is a repulsion of the rich. And yes I too believe there is too much separation between the super rich and me. But I am not willing to destroy the rich. Approx 1% of our population controls vast amount of US wealth. BUT approx 84% of that 1% were innovative people; people who started in their garages: Hewlett Packard, Microsoft (Bill Gates) Apple (Steve Jobs) and scores of others. So do these super rich innovative businesses help America? Of course they do. They create jobs, jobs so others can buy products to keep America going. But today there is a political movement stating that to become rich you must be stealing from others. For me to have my business, for you to have your business, your success (according to others) is strictly due to taking from others. Those of you who have started businesses or have helped run private business, know this to be a crock. If you kill innovation you kill capitalism. But why would any true American want to kill what helped to make this country great?
America: I'm going to jump to current history and times. I simply cannot stress the importance enough to learn OUR heritage. Many of you are in clubs. And many of you take great pride in the history of your clubs. As American bikers you should have the same love and historical knowledge of America. Most Americans simply do not understand or fully comprehend what they have, this birth right being an American. What is going on at our borders? Why are so many politicians (Pelosi) stating there are no borders. A quote from the book America: "I'd like to see the United States disappear. I'd like to see it become part of Mexico, part of a huge new nation dominated by a Chicano majority" Quote is by Chicago Scholar and activist Charles Truxillo. The proposed name of this new country; AZTLAN. Look it up. Curious as to why so many activists come out of Chicago. I will go into that later
America: In my first post I stated the United States of America was deliberately set up as a Republic form of government. Why was this so important? Remember our Forefathers believed we have "natural" rights, unalienable rights. Unalienable means they cannot be taken or given away. Our rights are our heritage, so what is the big deal about a Republic form of government? In a Republic form of government your rights are YOUR RIGHTS. No one can take them away. In a Democratic form of government, the majority can take away your rights. So when a politician says the US is a Democracy, that should be a red flag. CA now has a super majority in power. There are those who believe this is a good thing, primarily those who make a living off of the tax payers. But do a serious look at the laws passed. The vast majority are increasing taxes and removing your freedoms. This is why you need to learn why our country was created in the manner it was. The first great Republic form of government was created by the Romans. It was later destroyed. It is a good historical reference and you may see similarities going on now in the US. Those in power (Caesar) brought an army on to the people. We now have a militarized police force...and we have proof on how well that is going. Learn, be the American your Forefathers wanted you to be.
America. After our revolution, The Continental Congress adopted The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the States. This was ratified by all 13 States. Some call this our first Constitution, I see as simply an agreement...but you should study the history of it for yourself. This agreement did not work well to unify the states. The Federal Gov't simply could not operate. The Gov't had to get permission from the states to do everything. No means to support a national military. No common money's. No way to generate income for the Fed Gov't. Our founding fathers knew we needed a solid US Constitution...a guide for the future of our country and they had a pretty good idea of what they wanted. Their Opinions and ideas were published throughout the states and were known as the Federalist Papers. This was really to influence other Americans as our need for a solid US Constitution. During the creation of our US Constitution there were two main factors; Federalist's who wanted a Constitution and Anti Federalists who wanted to control the power given to the Federal Gov't. BOTH SIDES WERE CORRECT. I mention this because when people attack our Constitution then bring up the Anti Federalists. Both sides really wanted the same thing. It was the process that was being argued. Without the Federalists we would not have our Constitution. Without the Anti Federalist we would not have our Bill of Rights. Both sides agreed the power to the government comes DIRECTLY from the people. I just wanted to point out the two sides as I welcome any and all comments. It is the discussions on how we learn. The purpose of these posts is to hopefully get others to learn. Our freedoms are under severe attack right now. Our freedom as motorcycle riders is under sever attack right now. Do you ever wonder why the politicians take such great concerns over this extremely small group of Americans? If you do not take the time to learn your rights then you have none. If you do not take the time to learn why we have these freedoms, then you will be duped into losing them. If we lose our American Rights, then motorcyclist rights will go the same direction that is going on in Australia right now. As you know, our second Amendment rights have been attacked for years. Now Feinstien is attacking our First Amendment. The First Amendment protects your patch. Do you fully understand why?
America; how did we happen to be? To understand what America represents or was suppose to represent you really need a good understanding of who those men were who risked everything to create this country. For an education I recommend the only source that I know of that educates and discusses from the actual documents...not someone else's text; Hillsdale College. They offer free online discussion course. I would also recommend their book " The U.S. Constitution...a Reader". This is not a text book. It includes multitudes of actual documents and letters pertaining to our freedom. It is from this "reader" that they have excellent on line courses. You must acquire this knowledge to fully understand what a unique concept America is. Our founding fathers had a written plan...we are the only country ever created this way. At the time of our creation we (America) was created as a REPUBLIC, not a Democracy. We were the first Republic form of government created in 17 CENTURIES! No where in our Constitution or any State Constitution is America referred to as a Democracy. There is a reason and purpose for that. When those few signed the Declaration of Independence did you know that the British went out and arrested some of their families? Tortured and threatened with death unless they swore an oath to the King? Do not rely on sources like Wikipedia; look up the second Amendment and you will see why. Do not trust text books, they are the tools to brainwash our children; review Common Core. There is a reason for what they are doing. But for now, do your best to learn your heritage, the truth.
America: Freedom. Freedom to do what? Pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness. How, by making the government accountable to us (at least that was the plan). But besides guns, religious freedom, free speech and so on; how are we free? One of the basis of the Constitution (4th Amendment) is private land ownership. With that we are free to innovate to work for ourselves, to reap what we sow. Innovation, it is was drives our economy which based on Capitalism. Going through the history of the US, through all of the hard times, through all of the bad and stupid government decisions; the one thing and I truly mean the ONE thing that has always pulled America through was private business innovation. Today there is a repulsion of the rich. And yes I too believe there is too much separation between the super rich and me. But I am not willing to destroy the rich. Approx 1% of our population controls vast amount of US wealth. BUT approx 84% of that 1% were innovative people; people who started in their garages: Hewlett Packard, Microsoft (Bill Gates) Apple (Steve Jobs) and scores of others. So do these super rich innovative businesses help America? Of course they do. They create jobs, jobs so others can buy products to keep America going. But today there is a political movement stating that to become rich you must be stealing from others. For me to have my business, for you to have your business, your success (according to others) is strictly due to taking from others. Those of you who have started businesses or have helped run private business, know this to be a crock. If you kill innovation you kill capitalism. But why would any true American want to kill what helped to make this country great?
America: I'm going to jump to current history and times. I simply cannot stress the importance enough to learn OUR heritage. Many of you are in clubs. And many of you take great pride in the history of your clubs. As American bikers you should have the same love and historical knowledge of America. Most Americans simply do not understand or fully comprehend what they have, this birth right being an American. What is going on at our borders? Why are so many politicians (Pelosi) stating there are no borders. A quote from the book America: "I'd like to see the United States disappear. I'd like to see it become part of Mexico, part of a huge new nation dominated by a Chicano majority" Quote is by Chicago Scholar and activist Charles Truxillo. The proposed name of this new country; AZTLAN. Look it up. Curious as to why so many activists come out of Chicago. I will go into that later
America: In my first post I stated the United States of America was deliberately set up as a Republic form of government. Why was this so important? Remember our Forefathers believed we have "natural" rights, unalienable rights. Unalienable means they cannot be taken or given away. Our rights are our heritage, so what is the big deal about a Republic form of government? In a Republic form of government your rights are YOUR RIGHTS. No one can take them away. In a Democratic form of government, the majority can take away your rights. So when a politician says the US is a Democracy, that should be a red flag. CA now has a super majority in power. There are those who believe this is a good thing, primarily those who make a living off of the tax payers. But do a serious look at the laws passed. The vast majority are increasing taxes and removing your freedoms. This is why you need to learn why our country was created in the manner it was. The first great Republic form of government was created by the Romans. It was later destroyed. It is a good historical reference and you may see similarities going on now in the US. Those in power (Caesar) brought an army on to the people. We now have a militarized police force...and we have proof on how well that is going. Learn, be the American your Forefathers wanted you to be.
America. After our revolution, The Continental Congress adopted The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the States. This was ratified by all 13 States. Some call this our first Constitution, I see as simply an agreement...but you should study the history of it for yourself. This agreement did not work well to unify the states. The Federal Gov't simply could not operate. The Gov't had to get permission from the states to do everything. No means to support a national military. No common money's. No way to generate income for the Fed Gov't. Our founding fathers knew we needed a solid US Constitution...a guide for the future of our country and they had a pretty good idea of what they wanted. Their Opinions and ideas were published throughout the states and were known as the Federalist Papers. This was really to influence other Americans as our need for a solid US Constitution. During the creation of our US Constitution there were two main factors; Federalist's who wanted a Constitution and Anti Federalists who wanted to control the power given to the Federal Gov't. BOTH SIDES WERE CORRECT. I mention this because when people attack our Constitution then bring up the Anti Federalists. Both sides really wanted the same thing. It was the process that was being argued. Without the Federalists we would not have our Constitution. Without the Anti Federalist we would not have our Bill of Rights. Both sides agreed the power to the government comes DIRECTLY from the people. I just wanted to point out the two sides as I welcome any and all comments. It is the discussions on how we learn. The purpose of these posts is to hopefully get others to learn. Our freedoms are under severe attack right now. Our freedom as motorcycle riders is under sever attack right now. Do you ever wonder why the politicians take such great concerns over this extremely small group of Americans? If you do not take the time to learn your rights then you have none. If you do not take the time to learn why we have these freedoms, then you will be duped into losing them. If we lose our American Rights, then motorcyclist rights will go the same direction that is going on in Australia right now. As you know, our second Amendment rights have been attacked for years. Now Feinstien is attacking our First Amendment. The First Amendment protects your patch. Do you fully understand why?